huggingface / neuralcoref

✨Fast Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks
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Choosing main cluster before resolve #333

Open EdenAnteby opened 2 years ago

EdenAnteby commented 2 years ago


In my use case, I need the main cluster value to be the longest mentioned value in the cluster. I've checked the output of my doc._.coref_clusters:

Medable: [Medable, Medable],
Gond: [Medable CEO and co-founder Michelle Gond, Gond]]

I've tried to set the value of: doc._.coref_clusters[1].mentions[1]._.coref_cluster.main = MyChosenString and then calling doc._.coref_resolved again, but no luck.

Is it something I can control? Should I just create my own 'coref_resolved' method based on the clusters? Thanks