huggingface / optimum-intel

🤗 Optimum Intel: Accelerate inference with Intel optimization tools
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Custom tasks modeling #669

Closed IlyasMoutawwakil closed 3 months ago

IlyasMoutawwakil commented 3 months ago

What does this PR do?

This PR adds custom tasks modeling through a new class OVModelForCustomTasks which allows using models that are exported with arbitrary inputs/outputs.

Fixes #611

how to use

For example to use google/vit-base-patch16-224 model for image-classification while also getting all the hidden_states:

from transformers import AutoConfig

from optimum.exporters.onnx.model_configs import ViTOnnxConfig
from optimum.exporters.openvino import main_export

custom_task = "hidden_states"  # "attentions"
model_id = "google/vit-base-patch16-224"
base_task = "image-classification"

output = f"vit_with_{custom_task}"
model_kwargs = {f"output_{custom_task}": True}
repo_id = f"IlyasMoutawwakil/vit-with-{custom_task}"

class ViTOnnxConfigWithHiddenStates(ViTOnnxConfig):
    def outputs(self):
        common_outputs = {}
        common_outputs["logits"] = {0: "batch_size"}

        for i in range(self._normalized_config.num_hidden_layers + 1):
            common_outputs[f"hidden_states.{i}"] = {0: "batch_size"}

        return common_outputs

config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_id)
constom_export_config = ViTOnnxConfigWithHiddenStates(config, task=base_task)

    custom_export_configs={"model": constom_export_config},

from import OVModelForCustomTasks

image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id) url = "" image =, stream=True).raw) inputs = image_processor(images=image, return_tensors="pt")

ov_model = OVModelForCustomTasks.from_pretrained(output) ov_outputs = ov_model(**inputs) print(ov_outputs.keys()) # dict_keys(['logits', 'hidden_states'])

ov_model.push_to_hub(save_directory=output, repository_id=repo_id)

## Before submitting
- [ ] This PR fixes a typo or improves the docs (you can dismiss the other checks if that's the case).
- [ ] Did you make sure to update the documentation with your changes?
- [x] Did you write any new necessary tests?
HuggingFaceDocBuilderDev commented 3 months ago

The docs for this PR live here. All of your documentation changes will be reflected on that endpoint. The docs are available until 30 days after the last update.

IlyasMoutawwakil commented 3 months ago

@echarlaix I added an openvino variant of bert-with-pooler in IlyasMoutawwakil/sbert-all-MiniLM-L6-v2-with-pooler (can move it to optimum if you prefer), and added a custom export test that creates it