huggingface / parler-tts

Inference and training library for high-quality TTS models.
Apache License 2.0
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Long-form synthesis #9

Open fakerybakery opened 1 month ago

fakerybakery commented 1 month ago

Hi, Congrats on the release!! Is long form synthesis planned? Thank you!

sanchit-gandhi commented 1 month ago

Currently we train on a maximum of 30-second audios. With @ylacombe we're looking at increasing the context length to potentially longer audio lengths. Alibi embeddings (or a variant thereof) look promising for this

As a future works, it would be amazing if you could feed an entire chapter of an audiobook to the model, and have it learn the prosody and intonation directly from training examples (with no guidance from the text prompt)

fakerybakery commented 1 month ago

That would be nice. I was wondering if it would be possible to use chunking, and have previous chunks as context, to make the speech sound natural with different speakers. (This would be nice for audiobooks with multiple characters.)

lmxue commented 2 weeks ago

Currently we train on a maximum of 30-second audios. With @ylacombe we're looking at increasing the context length to potentially longer audio lengths. Alibi embeddings (or a variant thereof) look promising for this

As a future works, it would be amazing if you could feed an entire chapter of an audiobook to the model, and have it learn the prosody and intonation directly from training examples (with no guidance from the text prompt)

Is there any updates aobut the long-form speech synthesis? I'm looking forward to the results. What's more, for the future works you mentioned, it sounds more applicable in the audiobook scene. But I'm curious about what the voice be like. A pre-defined voice?