huggingface / peft

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Cannot apply both PEFT QLoRA and DeepSpeed ZeRO3 #2016

Open echo-yi opened 4 weeks ago

echo-yi commented 4 weeks ago

System Info

- `Accelerate` version: 0.33.0
- Platform: Linux-5.15.133+-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
- `accelerate` bash location: /opt/conda/bin/accelerate
- Python version: 3.10.14
- Numpy version: 1.25.2
- PyTorch version (GPU?): 2.2.0+cu121 (True)
- PyTorch XPU available: False
- PyTorch NPU available: False
- PyTorch MLU available: False
- PyTorch MUSA available: False
- System RAM: 1842.60 GB
- GPU type: NVIDIA H100 80GB HBM3
- `Accelerate` default config:
    - compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
    - distributed_type: NO
    - mixed_precision: no
    - use_cpu: True
    - debug: False
    - num_processes: 1
    - machine_rank: 0
    - num_machines: 1
    - rdzv_backend: static
    - same_network: False
    - main_training_function: main
    - enable_cpu_affinity: False
    - downcast_bf16: False
    - tpu_use_cluster: False
    - tpu_use_sudo: False

Who can help?





This line model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-405B-Instruct", ...) throws CUDA OOM, because the parameters are not partitoned, but copied across the GPUs.

command accelerate launch --config_file zero3_config.yaml --num_processes=8 --multi_gpu

bnb_config = BitsAndBytesConfig(
    # bnb_4bit_quant_type="nf4",

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(


compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
debug: false
  deepspeed_multinode_launcher: standard
  offload_optimizer_device: none
  offload_param_device: none
  zero3_init_flag: true
  zero3_save_16bit_model: true
  zero_stage: 3
distributed_type: DEEPSPEED
downcast_bf16: 'no'
machine_rank: 0
main_training_function: main
mixed_precision: bf16
num_machines: 1
num_processes: 8
rdzv_backend: static
same_network: true
tpu_env: []
tpu_use_cluster: false
tpu_use_sudo: false
use_cpu: false

Expected behavior

PEFT QLoRA (with BitsandBytes) and DeepSpeed ZeRO3 are both applied, so that model parameters are quantized and partitoned. I thought this should be working according to this post, but says BitsandBytes quantization and ZeRO3 are not compatible. If this is the case, I find the above post quite misleading.

BenjaminBossan commented 3 weeks ago

@echo-yi Does it work for you with a smaller model, like the example from the PEFT docs?

@matthewdouglas @Titus-von-Koeller Could you please take a look, could it be an issue specifically with Llama 405B?

More context:

Disable zero.init when using DeepSpeed with QLoRA.

I wonder if this is still needed?

echo-yi commented 3 weeks ago

@BenjaminBossan I tried with "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct", "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct" and neither worked.

BenjaminBossan commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for testing those. Since this error occurs already at the stage of loading the base model, it is not directly a PEFT error, though of course PEFT is affected and I'd be ready to update the docs if it is confirmed that DS ZeRO3 doesn't work with bnb. I hope the bnb authors can elucidate us.

echo-yi commented 3 weeks ago

@tjruwase from deepspeed shared this line, indicating applying both quantization and DS ZeRO3 doesn't work.

BenjaminBossan commented 3 weeks ago

shared this line, indicating applying both quantization and DS ZeRO3 doesn't work

Yeah, that was added in the PR I mentioned earlier.

I can confirm that even for smaller models, partitioning does not appear to work. But when I remove quantization and use device_map="auto", the same picture emerges. So I'm actually unsure if there is an issue here with bitsandbytes usage in DeepSpeed ZeRO3 or if something else is amiss.

echo-yi commented 3 weeks ago

@BenjaminBossan When I remove ZeRO3 and use quantization & device_map="auto", partitoning does appear to work.

BenjaminBossan commented 3 weeks ago

Also pinging @muellerzr in case he knows something about this.

winglian commented 1 week ago

I tested in axolotl against latest transformers, and this seems to work with this qlora+peft+zero3 yaml

base_model: NousResearch/Meta-Llama-3-8B

load_in_4bit: true
  - path: tatsu-lab/alpaca
    type: alpaca
val_set_size: 0.0
output_dir: ./outputs/lora-out

sequence_len: 4096
sample_packing: true
pad_to_sequence_len: true

adapter: qlora
lora_r: 32
lora_alpha: 64
lora_dropout: 0.05
lora_target_linear: true

gradient_accumulation_steps: 4
micro_batch_size: 2
num_epochs: 2
optimizer: adamw_bnb_8bit
lr_scheduler: cosine
learning_rate: 0.0002

bf16: auto
tf32: false

gradient_checkpointing: true
logging_steps: 1
flash_attention: true

warmup_steps: 10
evals_per_epoch: 4
saves_per_epoch: 1
deepspeed: deepspeed_configs/zero3_bf16.json
weight_decay: 0.1
   pad_token: <|end_of_text|>