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Error with: ASR With Speaker Diarization Example #22

Closed bramdes closed 1 year ago

bramdes commented 1 year ago

running into lib version issues on Google colab


import torch from speechbox import ASRDiarizationPipeline from datasets import load_dataset

device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" pipeline = ASRDiarizationPipeline.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-tiny", device=device)

load dataset of concatenated LibriSpeech samples

concatenated_librispeech = load_dataset("sanchit-gandhi/concatenated_librispeech", split="train", streaming=True)

get first sample

sample = next(iter(concatenated_librispeech))

out = pipeline(sample["audio"]) print(out)


# Error

OSError Traceback (most recent call last) in <cell line: 2>() 1 import torch ----> 2 from speechbox import ASRDiarizationPipeline 3 from datasets import load_dataset 4 5 device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

17 frames /usr/lib/python3.9/ctypes/ in init(self, name, mode, handle, use_errno, use_last_error, winmode) 372 373 if handle is None: --> 374 self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode) 375 else: 376 self._handle = handle

OSError: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/torchtext/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN2at4_ops10select_int4callERKNS_6TensorElN3c106SymIntE

pranavtushar commented 1 year ago

Hey, facing the same issue. @hbredin

patrickvonplaten commented 1 year ago

Gentle ping @sanchit-gandhi

pranavtushar commented 1 year ago

Hey, I was able to resolve it. Have a look at the below link. This should solve the issue,

bramdes commented 1 year ago

Thanks @pranavtushar . that fixed the problem indeed!

sanchit-gandhi commented 1 year ago

Thanks @pranavtushar! 🙌