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bert vocab #761

Closed hongjianyuan closed 2 years ago

hongjianyuan commented 3 years ago

We use 500 txt files (including Chinese and English), use WordPieceTrainer, and set vocab_size to 30522, but the json is 32430.

bert_tokenizer = Tokenizer(WordPiece(unk_token="[UNK]",max_input_chars_per_word=3)) bert_tokenizer.normalizer = normalizers.Sequence([NFD(), Lowercase(), StripAccents()]) bert_tokenizer.pre_tokenizer = Whitespace() data_path = './data/' files_all =[] for root,dir,filenames in os.walk(data_path): for filename in filenames: files_all.append(os.path.join(root.strip('./data'),filename))

files = [f"data/{split}" for split in files_all] print(len(files)) files_split = [f"{files[split]}"for split in range(500)]

bert_tokenizer.post_processor = TemplateProcessing( single="[CLS] $A [SEP]", pair="[CLS] $A [SEP] $B:1 [SEP]:1", special_tokens=[ ("[CLS]", 1), ("[SEP]", 2), ], )

trainer = WordPieceTrainer( vocab_size=30522, special_tokens=["[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]"] ) bert_tokenizer.train(files_split, trainer)"bert-wiki_zh_raw_500.json") image

Narsil commented 2 years ago

It's still using single char at that point.

We currently don't support ignoring some base char in tokenizers (useful for mandarin), so the minimum of the vocab will always be the number fo different char in your dataset.

This is known. PRs are welcome if you want to tackle this.

As a workaround, are you able to use ByteLevel (pre_tokenizer + decoder) to get a ByteLevel tokenizer, it should work closer to what you want probably.

Cheers, Nicolas