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How to access attentions matrix for MarianMT? #516

Open DaveTJones opened 10 months ago

DaveTJones commented 10 months ago


Hey, I've been trying to access the attentions output by the MarianMT like so (please excuse the unorthodox config argument, tidying up is next on my todo list):

  const model_name = "Xenova/opus-mt-en-fr";
  const tokenizer = await MarianTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name, {
    config: {
      output_hidden_states: true,
      output_attentions: true
  const tokens = (await tokenizer(text)).input_ids;
  const model = await MarianMTModel.from_pretrained(model_name, {
    config: {
      model_type: 'marian',
      is_encoder_decoder: true,
      _name_or_path: 'Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-fr',
      _num_labels: 3,
      activation_dropout: 0,
      activation_function: 'swish',
      add_bias_logits: false,
      add_final_layer_norm: false,
      architectures: ['MarianMTModel'],
      attention_dropout: 0,
      bad_words_ids: [[Array]],
      bos_token_id: 0,
      classif_dropout: 0,
      classifier_dropout: 0,
      d_model: 512,
      decoder_attention_heads: 8,
      decoder_ffn_dim: 2048,
      decoder_layerdrop: 0,
      decoder_layers: 6,
      decoder_start_token_id: 59513,
      decoder_vocab_size: 59514,
      dropout: 0.1,
      encoder_attention_heads: 8,
      encoder_ffn_dim: 2048,
      encoder_layerdrop: 0,
      encoder_layers: 6,
      eos_token_id: 0,
      forced_eos_token_id: 0,
      gradient_checkpointing: false,
      id2label: { '0': 'LABEL_0', '1': 'LABEL_1', '2': 'LABEL_2' },
      init_std: 0.02,
      label2id: { LABEL_0: 0, LABEL_1: 1, LABEL_2: 2 },
      max_length: 512,
      max_position_embeddings: 512,
      normalize_before: false,
      normalize_embedding: false,
      num_beams: 4,
      num_hidden_layers: 6,
      pad_token_id: 59513,
      scale_embedding: true,
      share_encoder_decoder_embeddings: true,
      static_position_embeddings: true,
      transformers_version: '4.34.0.dev0',
      use_cache: true,
      vocab_size: 59514,
      output_hidden_states: true,
      output_cross_attentions: true,
      output_attentions: true
  const translated = await model.generate(tokens)
  const result = tokenizer.decode(translated[0], { skip_special_tokens: true })
  console.log((await model.getAttentions(translated)))

I'm then getting the following error when I run the code:

Error:output_attentionsis true, but the model did not produce cross-attentions. This is most likely because the model was not exported withoutput_attentions=True.

I've looked around but haven't been able to find out what is meant by the reference to exporting the model. How would I go about fixing this?

xenova commented 10 months ago

Hi there 👋 You can create a custom OnnxConfig in optimum to enable the attention matrices. See here for more information:

DaveTJones commented 10 months ago

Brilliant, thankyou!