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FP16 overflow with GPT-Neo when using sequence lengths of 2048. #11076

Closed LouisCastricato closed 3 years ago

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

Environment info

Who can help





Model I am using (Bert, XLNet ...):

The problem arises when using:

The tasks I am working on is:

To reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use GPT-Neo 1.3b with The Pile dataset and built in trainer. Artificial data also suffices. It does not matter what the data is, as long as the attention mask spans all 2048 tokens.
  2. Enable FP16 and set max_length to 2048
  3. Observe that all loses reported are NaN

Also reproducible using AMP or DeepSpeed. It seems like there is code to circumvent this outlined in the GPT-Neo implementation where q,k,v are casted to fp32 in the attention block.

When the max_length is shorter (512) this overflow does not occur.

Expected behavior

I expected no overflows.


I'm reaching out on behalf of EleutherAI, Lysandre told us to create an issue about this.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the report, @LouisCastricato

I think it's pretty safe to take DeepSpeed out of the equation for now, since as you're saying the problem is due to mixed precision, so let's deal with AMP first.

How was GPT-Neo pre-trained?

Is it by chance the case that GPT-Neo was pre-trained with bfloat16 like t5/mt5 ( or was it pre-trained in fp32?

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

The 1.3b model was pretrained on TPUs in mesh-tf using fp16.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

You mean mixed precision fp16, correct?

As I haven't used mesh-tf - what would be the equivalent of this setup in the pytorch land? Since if we find the exact equivalent and the model was ported correctly and is used under the same setup - this problem shouldn't exist. does it make sense?

So let's find out what is different here (assuming the porting was done correctly).

stas00 commented 3 years ago

OK so bf16 and not fp16 - a very important difference. thank you for this correctlion, @leogao2

I just wrote about it today:

I will try to look at it tomorrow, this is probably the same story as t5/mt5 then.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

It'd help to save time if you had a ready way to reproduce the problem, I tried:

export BS=1; rm -rf /tmp/test-clm; PYTHONPATH=src USE_TF=0 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python examples/language-modeling/ \
    --model_name_or_path EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B \
    --dataset_name  wikitext \
    --dataset_config_name wikitext-2-raw-v1 \
    --do_train \
    --max_train_samples 1 \
    --per_device_train_batch_size $BS \
    --output_dir /tmp/test-clm \
    --block_size 128 \
    --logging_steps 1 

It hardly fits onto a 24GB card with a tiny block size, and fp16 OOMs right away.

I don't suppose you have a smaller model to experiment with?

Straightforward generate in full fp16 seems to work fine on a single sample to a full max_length, so this is good.

from transformers import GPTNeoForCausalLM, GPT2Tokenizer
model = GPTNeoForCausalLM.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B")
tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B")

prompt = "In a shocking finding, scientists discovered a herd of unicorns living in a remote, " \
         "previously unexplored valley, in the Andes Mountains. Even more surprising to the " \
         "researchers was the fact that the unicorns spoke perfect English."

inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt")
input_ids ="cuda:0")
model = model.half().to("cuda:0")

gen_tokens = model.generate(input_ids. do_sample=True, temperature=0.9, max_length=2048,)
gen_text = tokenizer.batch_decode(gen_tokens)[0]


LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

We are working on producing a minimal example for you currently. After checking our internal documents we realized that 1.3b is bfp16 where as 2.7b is fp32

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

If you need an A100 to test on, let us know.

LysandreJik commented 3 years ago

Hi! As we're doing a few changes to the implementation to make it cleaner over in, we ran a quick training to ensure that the model could still train.

We leveraged @Xirider's script detailed in in order to fine-tune the 1.3B checkpoint, and we did see a decrease in the loss over this small sample: image

We didn't investigate further, but this allows to fine-tune the 1.3B variant on a single V100 GPU.

cc @patil-suraj

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

That was sequence length 2048?

patil-suraj commented 3 years ago

That was sequence length 2048?

It's 1024 on wikitext

LysandreJik commented 3 years ago

Thanks for pointing that out, it was 1024. The tokenizer configurations on the hub were ill-configured to have a model_max_length set to 1024, I've updated them to have the correct 2048.

I added a --block_size=2048 parameter, see below the training loss:


It is slightly higher, but isn't a NaN!

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

Hm... Maybe our project is just cursed then. Thanks for the pointer, I'll go through installations and see if anything is weird.

LysandreJik commented 3 years ago

I ran the fine-tuning on the recent branch so I thought this might be it; but I just tested on master and I don't get any NaNs either. Don't hesitate to tell us if we can help further.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

I'm running this on 24GB rtx-3090 and while it's not converging it's not getting NaNs:

git clone
cd transformers
git clone finetune-gpt2xl
rm -rf output_dir; PYTHONPATH=src USE_TF=0 deepspeed --num_gpus=1 examples/language-modeling/ \
--deepspeed finetune-gpt2xl/ds_config_gptneo.json \
--model_name_or_path EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B \
--train_file finetune-gpt2xl/train.csv \
--validation_file finetune-gpt2xl/validation.csv \
--do_train \
--do_eval \
--fp16 \
--overwrite_cache \
--evaluation_strategy="steps" \
--output_dir output_dir \
--num_train_epochs 1 \
--eval_steps 15 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 2 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 1 \
--use_fast_tokenizer False \
--learning_rate 5e-06 \
--warmup_steps 10 --logging_steps 5 --block_size 2048
EricHallahan commented 3 years ago

It looks like the version of DeepSpeed we are running (0.3.11) prevents us from running that example on our hardware. We are in the process of updating DeepSpeed to a newer version (>0.3.12) so that it is not caught by line 287 of

stas00 commented 3 years ago

I'm able to reproduce loss=Nan while testing deepspeed zero-3 with this:

git clone
cd transformers
git clone
# create finetune-gpt2xl/ds_config_gptneo_zero3.json as shown below
BS=2; rm -rf output_dir; PYTHONPATH=src USE_TF=0 deepspeed --num_gpus=2 examples/language-modeling/ \
--deepspeed finetune-gpt2xl/ds_config_gptneo_zero3.json --model_name_or_path EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B \
--train_file finetune-gpt2xl/train.csv --validation_file finetune-gpt2xl/validation.csv --do_train --do_eval --fp16 \
--overwrite_cache --evaluation_strategy="steps" --output_dir output_dir --num_train_epochs 1 --eval_steps 15 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 2 --per_device_train_batch_size $BS --per_device_train_batch_size $BS \
--use_fast_tokenizer False --learning_rate 9e-06 --warmup_steps 100 --logging_steps 5 --block_size 1048

around step 24/174.

except I'm using 2 uncommitted branches mentioned in

I will try to reduce it something smaller.

p.s. for reproducibility purpose here is the config I used: finetune-gpt2xl/ds_config_gptneo_zero3.json

    "fp16": {
        "enabled": true,
        "loss_scale": 0,
        "loss_scale_window": 1000,
        "initial_scale_power": 16,
        "hysteresis": 2,
        "min_loss_scale": 1

    "zero_optimization": {
        "stage": 3,
        "cpu_offload": true,
        "cpu_offload_params": true,
        "cpu_offload_use_pin_memory" : true,
        "overlap_comm": true,
        "contiguous_gradients": true,
        "sub_group_size": 1e14,
        "reduce_bucket_size": 0,
        "stage3_prefetch_bucket_size": 0,
        "stage3_param_persistence_threshold": 0,
        "stage3_max_live_parameters": 1e9,
        "stage3_max_reuse_distance": 1e9,
        "stage3_gather_fp16_weights_on_model_save": true

    "optimizer": {
        "type": "AdamW",
        "params": {
            "lr": 3e-5,
            "betas": [0.8, 0.999],
            "eps": 1e-8,
            "weight_decay": 3e-7

    "scheduler": {
        "type": "WarmupLR",
        "params": {
            "warmup_min_lr": 0,
            "warmup_max_lr": 3e-5,
            "warmup_num_steps": 500

    "steps_per_print": 2000,
    "wall_clock_breakdown": false
LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

Thank you!

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

Does that happen with zero-2?

stas00 commented 3 years ago

Oddly enough it's fine with zero-2 in this particular setup, but the configurations aren't the same so we aren't comparing the same things.

But also if I do the same zero-3 training on one gpu there no nan either.

But that doesn't matter, as long as we have a way to reproduce nans it's good enough to start working on understanding the cause and then fixing it.

@samyam from DeepSpeed suggested an idea to try, so I'm going to go back to the mt5 which gets a NaN on the very first step and experiment with it first, since it's much faster than dealing with step 21 of this really heavy model. And then if it works will come back to gpt-neo.

If meanwhile you find a much faster way to get to NaNs that would be helpful.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

Also I don't know if this is somehow related, but this message looks alarming:

[WARNING|] 2021-04-07 00:05:14,268 >> Token indices sequence length is longer than the specified maximum sequence length for this model (1462828 > 2048). Running this sequence through the model will result in indexing errors

I think there is a bug somewhere, but it might be unrelated.

edit: I verified this is just a misplaced warning, not a problem

StellaAthena commented 3 years ago

@stas00 an update:

We were able to run your code on both 125M and 1.3B models without issue. The loss goes down, we get Shakespearean language, all is good.

Unfortunately, we cannot use your code for our task. We are seeking to train a dual objective model with two complete different datasets. We have two datasets that we are mashing together and trying to train via contrastive loss. Unfortunately, it appears that using the HF trainer class makes that more or less impossible.

Is there a better way to do the pipelining, so we can evade whatever the bug we are running into is? We tried to run it on sequence length 1024, but it ended up eventually going to NaN anyways after a thousand steps or so.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

... we can evade whatever the bug we are running into is?

The NaNs appearance in this particular situation is not caused by a bug in either transformers or deepspeed.

The model was trained in one numerical range and you're trying to run it in a different range that it wasn't trained for - there is not too much that can be done here.

It's the same problem for any bfloat16-pretrained model. Which includes t5/mt5/pegasus to name a few.

The fine-tuning/inference should be done in the same environment it was trained in or an environment that the model can numerically translate to. This is not the case with bf16 vs fp16 - please refer to my commentary at

What we are trying to do now is to find a workaround that will not provide a full mixed precision regime, but a partial one. For that we need to find which operations are safe to run in fp16 and which aren't. And unfortunately as you can see some of these "runaways" happen after thousands of steps.

We were able to run your code on both 125M and 1.3B models without issue.

Oh, fantastic! Just discovered after you mentioned it - it'd be much easier to debug with. Thank you for that!

Which "your code" are you referring to? Trainer +

I hear you that the HF Trainer is not suitable for your task. But if you have your own Trainer that works, why won't you use that instead? On other words how can we support you in this situation?

stas00 commented 3 years ago

What I'm going to do next is:

This proved to be not possible at the moment

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

The dual objective code we refer to can be found here:

And ok sounds good. The offer for A100s still stands btw, fp32 might be a nightmare on an RTX 3090.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

And ok sounds good. The offer for A100s still stands btw, fp32 might be a nightmare on an RTX 3090.

Thank you for your offer, @LouisCastricato - You're very likely correct - I may take you up on that offer at a later time. I'm not planning on finetuning gpt-neo in fp32 on rtx-3090, but just to test that deepspeed can even run in fp32 on a small model. Because if it works you could at least do that.

The dual objective code we refer to can be found here:

Yes, but I'm not sure what to do with this information. My guess is that you developed your own trainer and you're trying to integrate deepspeed into it and are running into issues? What is it specifically that you need to move forward with your project or what is blocking you?

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

Oh apologies. I shared it so that you could see the configuration we're using. I think I might have accidentally deleted that part though (bigs thumbs and touchscreens)

Yes, we're trying to integrate DeepSpeed directly with our training code. Both ds_config.json and amp_config.json produce the same NaN error strictly on autoregressive batches- before the forward step. We have not seen the NaN error on the backwards step.

Therefore, since we do not see it on the other component of our dual objective (in this case is Google's WIT dataset) which has sequence lengths at most 128 tokens. We can see NaNs beginning to appear at sequence length 768 and once we get to 2048 its every batch that has NaNs.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for clarifying that, @LouisCastricato

Understood. I will have to get to know this model as I have never worked with it. So I will comment once I had a chance to sit with it after I install all kinds of debug hooks into it.

wrt your config, it looks good.

    "allgather_bucket_size": 50000000,
    "reduce_bucket_size": 50000000,

these might be too small for an efficient operation. You want these to be in 2e8 to 5e8 range according to Samyam.

I also recommend you switch to the e-notation - it's too easy to miss a zero. In zero3 they have a param with 14 zeros!

You may want to enable cpu-offload if you have extra RAM.

Otherwise there isn't that much to configure in zero-2. There is a lot more to tune up in zero-3.

As I mentioned a few comments up, Deepspeed makes an efficient use of hardware, but if the model itself is an issue there is not much that changing Deepspeed configuration can do.

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago


I was curious if there was any update on this?

stas00 commented 3 years ago

I was busy working on the DeepSpeed ZeRO-3 integration with transformers release, so I haven't had a chance to research this issue yet.

If I knew it was a quick fix I'd have done it right away, but this kind of a problem is a long process so I need to have uninterrupted time to work on it. Moreover, fixing it in AMP won't necessarily fix it in DeepSpeed (but it'd surely help).

I started working on the checklist, I'm aware that this is a big problem for you guys and I thought that perhaps at least you could run DeepSpeed in fp32, but, alas, currently it's not possible - you can disable fp16, but there are a lot of hardcoded half() calls in ZeRO-3 code so it basically ignores the fp16 setting at the moment and just does everything in fp16.

I doubt the DeepSpeed developers will take care of this any time soon as they have no resources to do so, so if you want to help that could be one task that might help to move things forward a bit - making Deepspeed work with fp32. Then the next stage would be to optimize the parts that can be done in fp16 w/o overflow leaving most of it in fp32. Samyam suggested the matmuls in FF layers would be the best part to do in fp16 as I mentioned some comments earlier.

Just to give you an idea, the process goes like this: I find something that doesn't work or is missing for transformers needs, I file an Issue, nothing happens for awhile, and since I need this for integration I just go and implement it, with the DeepSpeed team's guidance. If we don't do the work it will eventually happen, but that eventual might be in a very long time.

Let's hope they manage to expand their team with the recent job openings they posted and have more resources to support the projects that integrate their work.

I also asked them and all the models they have been working with were trained in mixed fp16 precision, so had no reason to sort out bfloat16 (yet).

So priorities-wise, will having full fp32-support be useful to you or not really?

stas00 commented 3 years ago

I've been experimenting with mt5, since the overflow is on the first step there. And now trying to see if adding a penalizing factor for large logits might help solve this problem.

@LouisCastricato, would you like to try this possible workaround? with may be a little bit more aggressive z_loss - I see the extra penalty is much much smaller on gpt-neo.

So since we released the integration of DeepSpeed ZeRO-3 I no longer can reproduce the overflow, my deepspeed experiments all succeed - no overflow. For example I run:

BS=2; rm -rf output_dir; PYTHONPATH=src USE_TF=0 deepspeed --num_gpus=2 \
examples/language-modeling/ --deepspeed finetune-gpt2xl/ds_config_gptneo_zero3.json \
--model_name_or_path EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B --train_file finetune-gpt2xl/train.csv \
--validation_file finetune-gpt2xl/validation.csv --do_train --do_eval --fp16 --overwrite_cache \
--evaluation_strategy="steps" --output_dir output_dir --num_train_epochs 1 --eval_steps 15 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 2 --per_device_train_batch_size $BS --per_device_train_batch_size $BS \
--use_fast_tokenizer False --learning_rate 9e-06 --warmup_steps 100 --logging_steps 5 \
--block_size 2048

with finetune-gpt2xl/ds_config_gptneo_zero3.json as pasted in

Can you give me a setup that I can reproduce the overflow with?

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

I think your recommendation actually worked... I'm going to let it run for 24 hrs and report back

stas00 commented 3 years ago

That's exciting! Thank you for this update, @LouisCastricato

You're referring to adding penalty to the loss, correct?

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

Using ZerRO3

The issue though is that it's causing tons of locking- batches randomly take 5min. It also keeps crashing every few hours. So I'm not entirely sure what's going on. All of the crashes are known ZeRO3 issues so I might go poke them.

zxcvb4657 commented 3 years ago


stas00 commented 3 years ago

Oh, I was hoping you tried the large logits loss penalty and found it solving the problem. So that means you haven't tried it, have you? But as I wrote above logits don't appear to be extra large with gpt-neo so perhaps it won't be as useful as it was coded. It seems to be helpful with mt5.

The idea here is to make yet another set of check-points that were fine-tuned on fp16. Then users can do inference at .half() and also continue finetuning in mixed precision without incurring overflow. So devising a loss that will stir the model into the fp16 dynamic range is the key.

The issue though is that it's causing tons of locking- batches randomly take 5min. It also keeps crashing every few hours. So I'm not entirely sure what's going on. All of the crashes are known ZeRO3 issues so I might go poke them.

Do you have links to the corresponding issues you're referring to? I haven't yet run into any crashes in my experiments with deepspeed.

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

I'll grab the issues from their GitHub in a moment. Interesting the logits aren't actually the issue when it NaNs. Typically the NaNs are on the third layer. No idea why. This is why I was thinking it was an issue with attention but I noticed a correction for that was already coded in the attention block (casting the query, key, value to fp32)

stas00 commented 3 years ago

Yes, but large logits are a potential symptom of what's going on in the network.

I've just created a new debug tool that helps diagnosing the activation overflow issue, just waiting for review to complete, but if you want to try it sooner please grab this branch:

and add --debug activation_overflow to the training cmd line. It will abort and dump the trace of the last 40 input/outputs of the forward calls preceding the inf/nan encountering, which should hopefully give an indication of where the problem is.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

I noticed a correction for that was already coded in the attention block (casting the query, key, value to fp32)

which could indicate an issue in the model design I think. If the original model can't even do the math in bfloat16 and needs to go a "level up" not to overflow, that means that near by activation values are huge and of course these same corrections were ported to the transformers version, except we are now running those under fp16. So I'd look really close around those "hot" spots where the upcasting to fp32 was done and check that activations around that forward path aren't very big numbers.

Or alternatively perhaps those were high precision numbers that bfloat16 couldn't handle, it'd be good to understand why the original was coded this way.

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago
last 40 frames:
abs_max= 1.55e+01 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.k_proj: Linear: output
abs_max= 2.64e+00 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.v_proj: Linear: input[0]
abs_max= 1.05e+01 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.v_proj: Linear: output
abs_max= 1.00e+00 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.attn_dropout: Dropout: input[0]
abs_max= 1.00e+00 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.attn_dropout: Dropout: output
abs_max= 9.81e+00 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.out_proj: Linear: input[0]
abs_max= 2.18e+02 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.out_proj: Linear: output
abs_max= 2.18e+02 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.resid_dropout: Dropout: input[0]
abs_max= 2.18e+02 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.resid_dropout: Dropout: output
abs_max= 2.64e+00 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention: GPTNeoSelfAttention: input[0]
abs_max= 2.18e+02 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention: GPTNeoSelfAttention: output[0]
abs_max= 1.55e+01 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention: GPTNeoSelfAttention: output[1][0]
abs_max= 1.05e+01 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention: GPTNeoSelfAttention: output[1][1]
abs_max= 2.64e+00 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn: GPTNeoAttention: input[0]
abs_max= 2.18e+02 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn: GPTNeoAttention: output[0]
abs_max= 1.55e+01 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn: GPTNeoAttention: output[1][0]
abs_max= 1.05e+01 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn: GPTNeoAttention: output[1][1]
abs_max= 2.18e+02 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.ln_2: LayerNorm: input[0]
abs_max= 2.34e+00 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.ln_2: LayerNorm: output
abs_max= 2.34e+00 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.mlp.c_fc: Linear: input[0]
abs_max= 9.97e+00 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.mlp.c_fc: Linear: output
abs_max= 9.63e+00 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.mlp.c_proj: Linear: input[0]
abs_max= 2.16e+02 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.mlp.c_proj: Linear: output
abs_max= 2.16e+02 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.mlp.dropout: Dropout: input[0]
abs_max= 2.16e+02 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.mlp.dropout: Dropout: output
abs_max= 2.34e+00 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.mlp: GPTNeoMLP: input[0]
abs_max= 2.16e+02 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0.mlp: GPTNeoMLP: output
abs_max= 9.73e-01 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0: GPTNeoBlock: input[0]
abs_max= 3.94e+02 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0: GPTNeoBlock: output[0]
abs_max= 1.55e+01 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0: GPTNeoBlock: output[1][0]
abs_max= 1.05e+01 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.0: GPTNeoBlock: output[1][1]
abs_max= 3.94e+02 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.1.ln_1: LayerNorm: input[0]
abs_max= 1.86e+00 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.1.ln_1: LayerNorm: output
abs_max= 1.86e+00 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.1.attn.attention.q_proj: Linear: input[0]
abs_max= 1.78e+00 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.1.attn.attention.q_proj: Linear: output
abs_max= 1.86e+00 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.1.attn.attention.k_proj: Linear: input[0]
abs_max= 3.69e+00 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.1.attn.attention.k_proj: Linear: output
abs_max= 1.86e+00 > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.1.attn.attention.v_proj: Linear: input[0]
abs_max= 3.21e+00 < [2] module.lm.transformer.h.1.attn.attention.v_proj: Linear: output
abs_max=      nan > [2] module.lm.transformer.h.1.attn.attention.attn_dropout: Dropout: input[0]
LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

Let me know if I can provide any more traces for you.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

So this looks more like an underflow, rather than overflow, as activations are tiny and you got nan and not inf and already at batch 2! So this is totally different from t5/mt5 problem.

In this case I will modify the code to print abs_min as well - we are probably going to see tiny-tiny numbers there.

How do I reproduce this?

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

We are trying to find a minimal example for you that can be ran on a 3090.

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

The lowest we could make the memory requirement was 32GB. We sent you a login for an instance with 6x A100s.

The command you need to run, under ~/visual-grounding/Training/ is

deepspeed --num_gpus 1 --deepspeed_config ds_config.json --debug

It should output NaN information after the first batch. It is a (semi) minimal example that uses a custom AR trainer, but it crashes before the first optimizer step. The code is (relatively) easy to follow without reading through any of the custom data loaders. We've already confirmed it works with GPT2-XL.

Transformers was not installed from source as editable but I assume you wanted to use a custom branch for this so I just installed it from pypi for you.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

Thank you, @LouisCastricato!

I needed to install my own branch, but I was able to reproduce with the updated detector, which now gives a much better picture. So with your custom code getting:

Detected inf/nan during batch_number=2
last 21 frames:
abs min  abs max  metadata
                  module.lm.transformer.drop Dropout
0.00e+00 9.73e-01 input[0]
0.00e+00 9.73e-01 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.ln_1 LayerNorm
1.05e-01 8.80e-01 weight
6.50e-06 5.97e-01 bias
0.00e+00 9.73e-01 input[0]
5.96e-08 3.12e+00 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.q_proj Linear
0.00e+00 2.51e-01 weight
5.96e-08 3.12e+00 input[0]
3.58e-07 1.25e+01 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.k_proj Linear
0.00e+00 2.60e-01 weight
5.96e-08 3.12e+00 input[0]
5.96e-07 1.59e+01 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.v_proj Linear
0.00e+00 2.82e-01 weight
5.96e-08 3.12e+00 input[0]
1.79e-07 1.05e+01 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.attn_dropout Dropout
0.00e+00 1.00e+00 input[0]
0.00e+00 1.00e+00 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.out_proj Linear
0.00e+00 1.61e+00 weight
4.35e-06 1.80e+00 bias
1.79e-07 9.81e+00 input[0]
0.00e+00 2.13e+02 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention.resid_dropout Dropout
0.00e+00 2.13e+02 input[0]
0.00e+00 2.13e+02 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn.attention GPTNeoSelfAttention
5.96e-08 3.12e+00 input[0]
0.00e+00 2.13e+02 output[0]
5.96e-07 1.59e+01 output[1][0]
1.79e-07 1.05e+01 output[1][1]
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.attn GPTNeoAttention
5.96e-08 3.12e+00 input[0]
0.00e+00 2.13e+02 output[0]
5.96e-07 1.59e+01 output[1][0]
1.79e-07 1.05e+01 output[1][1]
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.ln_2 LayerNorm
3.46e-02 1.28e+00 weight
1.33e-05 9.21e-01 bias
0.00e+00 2.14e+02 input[0]
4.17e-07 2.34e+00 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.mlp.c_fc Linear
0.00e+00 4.42e-01 weight
5.96e-08 2.65e-01 bias
4.17e-07 2.34e+00 input[0]
0.00e+00 9.97e+00 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.mlp.c_proj Linear
0.00e+00 1.20e+00 weight
1.29e-05 1.27e+00 bias
0.00e+00 9.63e+00 input[0]
0.00e+00 2.16e+02 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.mlp.dropout Dropout
0.00e+00 2.16e+02 input[0]
0.00e+00 2.16e+02 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0.mlp GPTNeoMLP
4.17e-07 2.34e+00 input[0]
0.00e+00 2.16e+02 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.0 GPTNeoBlock
0.00e+00 9.73e-01 input[0]
0.00e+00 3.94e+02 output[0]
5.96e-07 1.59e+01 output[1][0]
1.79e-07 1.05e+01 output[1][1]
                  module.lm.transformer.h.1.ln_1 LayerNorm
5.66e-02 1.36e+00 weight
4.65e-06 9.51e-01 bias
0.00e+00 3.94e+02 input[0]
0.00e+00 1.86e+00 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.1.attn.attention.q_proj Linear
0.00e+00 5.24e-01 weight
0.00e+00 1.86e+00 input[0]
0.00e+00 1.78e+00 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.1.attn.attention.k_proj Linear
0.00e+00 8.80e-01 weight
0.00e+00 1.86e+00 input[0]
1.19e-07 3.69e+00 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.1.attn.attention.v_proj Linear
0.00e+00 7.60e-01 weight
0.00e+00 1.86e+00 input[0]
0.00e+00 3.21e+00 output
                  module.lm.transformer.h.1.attn.attention.attn_dropout Dropout
     nan      nan input[0]
     nan      nan output
stas00 commented 3 years ago

I run the detector under the fp32 and the deepspeed/fp16 mode and as I suspected we are having an underflow here - a serious underflow.

Attached 2 traces:

frames_overflow.txt frames_normal.txt

from the very first forward, we have a problem with embeddings:


                  lm.transformer.wte Embedding
2.32e-11 1.02e+00 weight
0.00e+00 5.00e+04 input[0]
1.64e-07 6.96e-01 output


                  module.lm.transformer.wte Embedding
0.00e+00 1.02e+00 weight
0.00e+00 5.00e+04 input[0]
1.79e-07 6.96e-01 output

As you can see some weights are immediately 0.0. Of course, it only is getting worse as things progress.

As shown here: fp16 can barely handle 1e-08, and we have 1e-11 here.

# tensor(2.3192e-11, dtype=torch.bfloat16)
# tensor(0., dtype=torch.float16)

Deepspeed runs in model.half()-mode, that's why this happens from the get-going.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

OK, trying to force fp32 mode in deepspeed by editing its engine to skip model.half(),

--- a/deepspeed/runtime/
+++ b/deepspeed/runtime/
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ class DeepSpeedEngine(Module):
     def _configure_distributed_model(self, model):
         self.module = model
         if self.fp16_enabled():
-            self.module.half()
+            pass

         if not self.dont_change_device:

Your script doesn't print any stats, so it's hard to tell if it's doing well, but the training is chugging along.

I stopped it after 5482 steps (2h).

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

Yeah the minimal example removes all evaluation. In FP32 it does work though. I tested a checkpoint the other day.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

I'm asking Deepspeed devs if they have some ideas on how to overcome this, I will keep you posted if we find a good intermediary solution.

But at the very least we now know why the model fails under fp16.

I wonder if pre-training processes targeted for mixed precision use should have a loss penalty component that forces the model to remain within fp16 dynamic range, both upper and lower.

LouisCastricato commented 3 years ago

This could be relevant.

stas00 commented 3 years ago

OP is asking to support bf16 training, but you're asking for fp16 training. These two are significantly different issues.

It'd be awesome for deepspeed to support bf16, but this is not going to help users w/o hardware natively supporting bf16.