huggingface / transformers

🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
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OPT-350M Throws Error On Load after Finetuning #17389

Closed Leli1024 closed 2 years ago

Leli1024 commented 2 years ago

System Info

- `transformers` version: 4.19.0
- Platform: macOS-12.3.1-arm64-i386-64bit
- Python version: 3.8.13
- Huggingface_hub version: 0.2.1
- PyTorch version (GPU?): 1.10.2 (False)
- Tensorflow version (GPU?): not installed (NA)
- Flax version (CPU?/GPU?/TPU?): not installed (NA)
- Jax version: not installed
- JaxLib version: not installed
- Using GPU in script?: <fill in>
- Using distributed or parallel set-up in script?: <fill in>

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🐛 Bug

When the OPT-350M variant is fine-tuned via huggingface, the resulting model will give the following error when loaded

model = OPTForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model path)

RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for OPTForCausalLM:
        size mismatch for lm_head.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([50272, 512]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([50272, 1024]).

Code to load model

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, set_seed, OPTForCausalLM
import torch

def generate_text(model, tokenizer, prompt):

    input_ids = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").input_ids
    generated_ids = model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=True, num_return_sequences=5, max_length=10)
    texts = tokenizer.batch_decode(generated_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)

    return texts

path = "facebook/opt-350m"
path = "opt/model_ckpts"
model = OPTForCausalLM.from_pretrained(path)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(path, use_fast=False)

prompt = "The woman worked as a"

print(generate_text(model, tokenizer, prompt))

Training Code

import torch as th
from dataset import get_examples, GSMDataset
from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2LMHeadModel
from transformers import GPT2Config, AdamW
from transformers import get_scheduler
from import tqdm
from import DataLoader

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, OPTModel, OPTConfig, OPTForCausalLM
import torch

model = OPTForCausalLM.from_pretrained("facebook/opt-350m")
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/opt-350m", use_fast=False)

    model = OPTForCausalLM.from_pretrained("model_ckpts")
    print("model loaded")
except Exception as e:
train_examples = get_examples("train")
train_dset = GSMDataset(tokenizer, train_examples)

device = th.device("cuda")

train_loader = DataLoader(train_dset, batch_size=4, shuffle=True)
optim = AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=1e-5)

num_epochs = 10
num_training_steps = num_epochs * len(train_loader)
lr_scheduler = get_scheduler(

pbar = tqdm(range(num_training_steps))
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    for batch in train_loader:
        batch = {k: for k, v in batch.items()}
        outputs = model(**batch, labels=batch["input_ids"])
        loss = outputs[0]
        pbar.set_description(f"train_loss: {loss.item():.5f}")


Dataset module

import os
import re
import torch as th

def read_jsonl(path: str):
    with open(path) as fh:
        return [json.loads(line) for line in fh.readlines() if line]

def get_examples(split):
    path = os.path.join("data/", f"{split}.jsonl")
    examples = read_jsonl(path)

    #examples = examples[0:100]

    for ex in examples:
        ex.update(question=ex["question"] + "\n")
        ex.update(answer=ex["answer"] + "<|endoftext|>")

    print(f"{len(examples)} {split} examples")
    return examples

ANS_RE = re.compile(r"#### (\-?[0-9\.\,]+)")
INVALID_ANS = "[invalid]"

def extract_answer(completion):
    match =
    if match:
        match_str =
        match_str = match_str.replace(",", "")
        return match_str
        return INVALID_ANS

def is_correct(model_completion, gt_example):
    gt_answer = extract_answer(gt_example["answer"])
    assert gt_answer != INVALID_ANS
    return extract_answer(model_completion) == gt_answer

class GSMDataset(
    def __init__(self, tokenizer, examples, loss_on_prefix=True):
        self.examples = examples
        self.qns = [ex["question"] for ex in self.examples]
        self.ans = [ex["answer"] for ex in self.examples]
        self.qns = tokenizer(self.qns, padding=False)
        self.ans = tokenizer(self.ans, padding=False)
        self.loss_on_prefix = loss_on_prefix
        self.max_len = max(
                len(self.qns["input_ids"][i]) + len(self.ans["input_ids"][i])
                for i in range(len(self.examples))
        print(f"Max tokens: {self.max_len}")

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.examples)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        qn_tokens = self.qns["input_ids"][idx]
        ans_tokens = self.ans["input_ids"][idx]
        pad_tokens = [0] * (self.max_len - len(qn_tokens) - len(ans_tokens))
        tokens = qn_tokens + ans_tokens + pad_tokens
        mask = (
            ([int(self.loss_on_prefix)] * len(qn_tokens))
            + ([1] * len(ans_tokens))
            + ([0] * len(pad_tokens))
        tokens = th.tensor(tokens)
        mask = th.tensor(mask)
        return dict(input_ids=tokens, attention_mask=mask)```

### Expected behavior

Expected model to load
omerarshad commented 2 years ago

facing same error, unable to load after finetuning. Any update ?

ydshieh commented 2 years ago

Ping @patrickvonplaten , but also cc @younesbelkada and @ArthurZucker .

ArthurZucker commented 2 years ago

On it 👍

ydshieh commented 2 years ago

@Leli1024 @omerarshad If you don't mind and have some time, maybe you can try with the latest dev build?

If you clone the repo, you can do it like pip install --upgrade -e .[dev]. (There are some minor fixes since then, I didn't check if they are related)

younesbelkada commented 2 years ago

Not sure if it is related but It is possible that you have used a version of transformers before merging this PR #17225

Leli1024 commented 2 years ago

@Leli1024 @omerarshad If you don't mind and have some time, maybe you can try with the latest dev build?

If you clone the repo, you can do it like pip install --upgrade -e .[dev]. (There are some minor fixes since then, I didn't check if they are related)

This totally worked thank you!!! Also not to be pedantic but I needed to remove '[dev]' from the command to run it. Just thought I should let anyone else having trouble with it know

ydshieh commented 2 years ago

@Leli1024 @omerarshad If you don't mind and have some time, maybe you can try with the latest dev build? If you clone the repo, you can do it like pip install --upgrade -e .[dev]. (There are some minor fixes since then, I didn't check if they are related)

This totally worked thank you!!!


omerarshad commented 2 years ago

So building from source worked? or is the patch released?

Leli1024 commented 2 years ago

So building from source worked? or is the patch released?

Building from source

donaghhorgan commented 2 years ago

I'm experiencing this issue when I try to use the Inference API to test a facebook/opt-350m model fine tuned using transformers 4.19.3, 4.19.4, or 4.20.0, and even when I install directly from git like this:

python -m pip install git+

The error I'm seeing is identical to above:

Error(s) in loading state_dict for OPTForCausalLM: size mismatch for lm_head.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([50272, 512]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([50272, 1024]).

If I download the model to my machine and run it using a pipeline, then it works - it just seems to be an issue for the Inference API.

Here are the package versions I'm using:

ArthurZucker commented 2 years ago

Hey, could you provide an example script to help us reproduce the error?

donaghhorgan commented 2 years ago

This seems to be able to reproduce it for me:

import pathlib

from datasets import DatasetDict
from transformers import (


if __name__ == "__main__":
    tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/opt-350m")
    model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("facebook/opt-350m")

    training_args = TrainingArguments(

    path = pathlib.Path("/tmp/data/dataset.txt")
    with"w") as fp:
        for _ in range(10):
            fp.write("Hello, world\n")

    def encode(batch):
        encodings = tokenizer(batch["text"], padding="max_length", truncation=True)
        encodings["labels"] = encodings["input_ids"].copy()
        return encodings

    dataset = DatasetDict.from_text(
        {"train": path.as_posix(), "validation": path.as_posix()}

    trainer = Trainer(

Just ran this on my machine and the resulting model is here:

donaghhorgan commented 2 years ago

Hi @ArthurZucker, have you had any luck with this? I tried running the example code above again today with v4.20.1 after #17785 was merged, but nothing seems to have changed. The new model is here, if you're interested:

ArthurZucker commented 2 years ago

Hey! Yeah I know where the bug is from! The inference API is not up to date with the main branch of transformers! @Narsil is the one handling that but he is in holiday! Gotta wait for a bit 😀

Narsil commented 2 years ago

Hi @donaghhorgan ,

You are not including the tokenizer in your Trainer so it is not saved in your model:

You can fix this by simply doing tokenizer.save_pretrained('....') and uploading it or doing Trainer(tokenizer=tokenizer) (I think, I don't use Trainer that often personnally but I have seen that being suggested and working).

Anyhow, you can check the failure by doing.

from transformers import AutoTokenizer

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("dhorgan/17389-test-fix")

It should crash (becuase no tokenizer files are there)

donaghhorgan commented 2 years ago

That's great, thanks @Narsil! It's all working for me here now.