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Sink Cache Attention Scores are strange. CausalMask seems not working. #30926

Closed Tomorrowdawn closed 8 hours ago

Tomorrowdawn commented 1 month ago

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from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("./xsum", split='test[:1000]')# I load it from local due to unsolved utf8 error. It is exactly XSUM

I concatenate all 'document' text to generate a streaming task(test streamingLLM). The code is trivial but long so omitted.

model: LlamaForCasualLM Weight: llama2-7b-hf

core run code:

def test_run(run_name, sink_len, win_len, stream, 
             break_len = 8000, get_attn_steps = [10]):
    kvcache = SinkCache(win_len, sink_len)
    perp_vs_len = []
    attn_scores_all = {}
    with torch.inference_mode():
        for i, input_ids in enumerate(stream):
            get_attn = (i in get_attn_steps)
            if i * stream.input_len > break_len:
            output = model(
            )#type: ignore
            perp = perplexity(input_ids, output.logits).unsqueeze(0).item()
            perp_vs_len.append(((i+1)*input_ids.shape[1], perp))
            if get_attn:
                attn_scores = output.attentions
                attn_scores = {
                attn_scores_all[i] = attn_scores
    result = {
        'sink_len': sink_len,
        'win_len': win_len,
        'perp_vs_len': perp_vs_len,
        'attn_scores': attn_scores_all
    }, f"./result/{run_name}_sink{sink_len}")
    return result

stream object produces 100 tokens per iter, like a list(containinng many tokens).

And I plotted the attention scores. However, the upper triangle part of them are not zeros.

sink num = 0(local window):


sink num = 16(for streaming LLM):


Expected behavior

The attention scores matrix for prompt len = 0(no kv cache) is right:


Tomorrowdawn commented 1 month ago


It works with DynamicCache.


So it must be something wrong with SinkCache and relevant control code.

amyeroberts commented 1 month ago

cc @gante @ArthurZucker

ArthurZucker commented 1 month ago

Have not worked on the sink cache so will let @gante answer here!

deadpool66 commented 1 month ago

In, I noticed that keys_to_keep = self.key_cache[layer_idx][ :, :, -self.window_length + self.num_sink_tokens + key_states.shape[-2] : ] might go wrong when -self.window_length + self.num_sink_tokens + key_states.shape[-2] >= 0 Not sure is it relevant

tomaarsen commented 1 month ago

It's been a bit since I worked on this, but I think that -self.window_length + self.num_sink_tokens + key_states.shape[-2] >= 0 is not really possible.

In the code here:

We're in the "Shifting cache" phase, i.e. the cache already exists, and now we're adding enough tokens to make it overflow. However, if it already exists, then I think (I'm not 100% on this) we always add 1 new generated token, i.e. key_states.shape[-2] is 1. So I think a non-negative value can only happen if the num_sink_tokens >= window_length - 1, which is not normal behaviour.

However, if it's somehow possible to, when the cache already exists, add a bunch of tokens in one go, then I think it would be possible to mess this up. Then, the keys_to_keep should really be empty (as we're skipping way ahead and keeping no tokens), but the overflow of -self.window_length + self.num_sink_tokens + key_states.shape[-2] >= 0 into the positives is allowing some keys to stay. Then the new tokens will get appended and we'll accidentally get a cache that's too large here:

But I think that should probably cause a pretty easy-to-spot crash as the cache is now bigger than the window size, which should not be possible.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

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