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Incorrect scores returned in Whisper with `num_beams>1` #32246

Closed cifkao closed 13 hours ago

cifkao commented 1 month ago

TL;DR: Scores corresponding to the wrong sequence in the batch/beam are returned.

System Info

Who can help?

@sanchit-gandhi @ylacombe @patrickvonplaten




from datasets import Audio, load_dataset
from transformers import WhisperForConditionalGeneration, AutoProcessor
import torch
import numpy as np

model = WhisperForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(
    "openai/whisper-tiny", torch_dtype=torch.float16
processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-tiny")

ds = load_dataset("distil-whisper/meanwhile", "default")["test"]
ds = ds.cast_column("audio", Audio(sampling_rate=16000))
audio = ds[0]["audio"]["array"].astype(np.float32)
inputs = processor(
inputs =, torch.float16)

generation_output = model.generate(

# Print each token along with its log-probability and beam index
segment = generation_output["segments"][0][0]
tokens = segment["result"]["sequences"]
scores = segment["result"]["scores"]
beam_indices = segment["result"]["beam_indices"]
logprobs = torch.as_tensor([s.log_softmax(-1)[t] for s, t in zip(scores, segment["tokens"])])
print(*[(processor.tokenizer.decode([t], decode_with_timestamps=True), s.item(), b.item()) for s, t, b in zip(logprobs, tokens, beam_indices)], sep="\n")
('<|0.00|>', -0.061553955078125, 0)
(' Folks', -1.9033203125, 0)
(',', -0.406005859375, 0)
(' if', -0.038330078125, 0)
(' you', -0.0019512176513671875, 0)
(' watch', -0.1451416015625, 0)
(' the', -0.1986083984375, 0)
(' show', -0.0019512176513671875, 0)
(',', -0.28076171875, 0)
(' you', -0.291015625, 0)
(' know', -0.026031494140625, 0)
(' I', -1.05859375, 0)
(' spent', -10.125, 1)
(' a', -12.5625, 1)
(' lot', -8.1796875, 1)
(' of', -11.8359375, 1)
(' time', -5.4296875, 1)
(' right', -14.109375, 1)
(' over', -inf, 1)
(' there', -0.0307769775390625, 0)
('.', -0.236328125, 0)
('<|4.00|>', -3.7109375, 0)
# Now run a forward pass with the generated tokens
inputs_forward = {k: v[..., :3000].cuda() for k, v in inputs.items()}
inputs_forward["decoder_input_ids"] =
        torch.as_tensor(processor.tokenizer.encode("<|startoftranscript|><|en|><|transcribe|>", add_special_tokens=False)),

with torch.inference_mode():
    output_forward = model(**inputs_forward)

# Print each token along with its log-probability
print(*[(processor.tokenizer.decode([t], decode_with_timestamps=True), s[t].item()) for s, t in zip(output_forward.logits.squeeze(0).log_softmax(-1), inputs_forward["decoder_input_ids"].squeeze(0)[1:])], sep="\n")
('<|en|>', -0.3857421875)
('<|transcribe|>', -6.556510925292969e-06)
('<|0.00|>', -0.1917724609375)
(' Folks', -1.939453125)
(',', -0.40966796875)
(' if', -0.038818359375)
(' you', -0.0020503997802734375)
(' watch', -0.1458740234375)
(' the', -0.204345703125)
(' show', -0.00235748291015625)
(',', -0.276123046875)
(' you', -0.299560546875)
(' know', -0.0259552001953125)
(' I', -1.06640625)
(' spent', -0.5)
(' a', -0.0234832763671875)
(' lot', -0.023773193359375)
(' of', -0.0233001708984375)
(' time', -0.01520538330078125)
(' right', -1.12109375)
(' over', -0.0208892822265625)
(' there', -0.0306854248046875)
('.', -0.2406005859375)
('<|4.00|>', -3.798828125)

We can see that the scores returned by generate() are similar (though not identical) when the beam index is 0, but are much lower, and even -inf, when the beam index is 1, suggesting that we are getting scores from the wrong sequence in the beam. (I guess a small difference in the scores in the vicinity of timestamps might be explained by the logits processor, but the score of the generated token should clearly never be -inf.)

The bug seems to be here in _postprocess_outputs. This works fine with num_beams==1, but with num_beams>1, the shape of the items in seek_outputs["scores"] will be [num_beams * batch_size, vocab_size], while the code expects it to be [batch_size, vocab_size]. Therefore, instead of choosing the correct sequence in the beam/batch, this code will incorrectly combine scores from different sequences.

Expected behavior

The scores returned from generate() should be the same as in the forward pass.

LysandreJik commented 1 month ago

@ylacombe if you have a bit of time to give this a look, It'd be very appreciated.

ylacombe commented 1 month ago

Hey @cifkao, thanks for opening the issue! It's not an obvious issue to spot, so congrats on this and on providing a clear snippet to reproduce.

I've opened a PR to fix it, don't hesitate to comment directly on it if necessary!