hughfdjackson / immutable

neatly packages immutable equivalents to JavaScript's Objects and Arrays.
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Accessing Internals #24

Closed nadinengland closed 11 years ago

nadinengland commented 11 years ago

It is possible to access the internals of an immutable object by exploiting calls to this.['-data'].

var i = require('immutable');

// Variable to hold secret
var secret, object = i.object({ hello: 'world' });

// Use try-catch as persistent-hash-trie throws 
try {
  // Call a method that calls `this['-data']`, with `this` being our object
  // Our ['-data'] function just takes the secret and exposes it.{
    '-data': function (s) { secret = s; }
} catch (_) {}

// Before: { hello : 'world' }

// We can now call the secret getting the internal data
object['-data'](secret).children[18].value = 'universe';

// After: { hello : 'universe' }

I know immutable states nothing about the security of immutable objects, and I'm not trying to preach my own stuff ;) but raising it as an issue as immutability can be by-passed.

If this is a moot point please close.

hughfdjackson commented 11 years ago

That's a very clever little hack. In response to this, and also into the verbosity of the previous technique, I've gone with the old-school 'privilaged method via closure' technique:


I'm going to close this, since I think it solves this level of vunerability :) I didn't previously understand why your sealer worked as it did, so that little hack was super informative.

jkroso commented 11 years ago

Why is this a concern? It wouldn't ever be mutated by accident would it?

hughfdjackson commented 11 years ago

No - but if you have truly immutable data (i.e. a guarantee that no third part could possibly mutate it), then you can entirely eliminate a class of possibilities when debugging/reasoning about application state.

It's far more a peace-of-mind thing than anything deeply practical, admittedly.

jkroso commented 11 years ago

oh yup thats pretty much what I thought it would be and I like the guarantee too. Its just a bit too much of a performance hit for my taste.

nadinengland commented 11 years ago

Privileged methods work like a charm! Glad it was able to shed some light on this.

hughfdjackson commented 11 years ago

@jkroso : not a decision I'm 100% happy with. It may be worth benchmarking this solution later against the alternatives - deep freeze and something like @nadinengland's privy.

@nadinengland : ^^