hughperkins / DeepCL

OpenCL library to train deep convolutional neural networks
Mozilla Public License 2.0
865 stars 199 forks source link cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory #71

Closed LorenzoPoli closed 8 years ago

LorenzoPoli commented 8 years ago

Hi, when i try to execute deepcl_unittests i receive the messagge "./deepcl_unittests: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". But this file is in the "/DeepCL/dist/lib" directory. I followed the instruction from for linux (i've ubuntu 16.04). Any suggestions?

hughperkins commented 8 years ago

Did you run source dist\bin\ first? I am on ubuntu 16.04 too:

ubuntu@peach:~/git/DeepCL$ source dist/bin/ 
ubuntu@peach:~/git/DeepCL$ cat /etc/lsb-release 
ubuntu@peach:~/git/DeepCL$ dist/bin/deepcl_unittests 
args: dist/bin/deepcl_unittests --gtest_filter=-DATA*:SLOW*
Note: Google Test filter = -DATA*:SLOW*
[==========] Running 158 tests from 29 test cases.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 7 tests from testClBlas
[ RUN      ] testClBlas.basic
Using NVIDIA Corporation , OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA
Using OpenCL device: GeForce 940M
initializing clblas
clblas teardown
[       OK ] testClBlas.basic (640 ms)
[ RUN      ] testClBlas.transA
Using NVIDIA Corporation , OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA
Using OpenCL device: GeForce 940M
1 2 9 
3 7 5 
initializing clblas
clblas teardown
[       OK ] testClBlas.transA (197 ms)
[ RUN      ] testClBlas.transB
Using NVIDIA Corporation , OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA
Using OpenCL device: GeForce 940M
initializing clblas
clblas teardown
[       OK ] testClBlas.transB (209 ms)
[ RUN      ] testClBlas.colMajor
Using NVIDIA Corporation , OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA
Using OpenCL device: GeForce 940M
LorenzoPoli commented 8 years ago

Yes I did, the error is the same.

hughperkins commented 8 years ago

Ok. Can you provide the full output (eg via ) of the following commands please?

cd build
make -j 4 install
cat CMakeCache.txt
ls -R ..
source ../dist/bin/
deepcl_train numtrain=1280 numtest=1280 numepochs=2
LorenzoPoli commented 8 years ago

It now works, thanks a lot!

hughperkins commented 8 years ago

Ok great!