hughperkins / DeepCL

OpenCL library to train deep convolutional neural networks
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Memory leaks? #79

Closed 222464 closed 8 years ago

222464 commented 8 years ago


This may come from a place of ignorance, but isn't all the new without delete usage leaking tons and tons of memory? I don't see any smart-pointers anywhere. Also I thought new/delete was obsolete?

marty1885 commented 8 years ago

I'm not the maintainer, but could you provide some code that deoms memory leak so I can have a look on what's happening?

I'm curious on the Smart Pointer topic too. But on the opposite side. Smart Pointers are slow to compile and might give bad performance comparing to regular pointers. Basically any STL object is slower than the C stuff (vector vs arrays, smart pointers vs pointers, etc...). (I ran 30% faster by replacing std::stack by an array on my Ray Tracer's BVH Accelerator.) It's just my point of view tho. Do anyone have other opinions on this topic? I'm really curious about it.

hughperkins commented 8 years ago


Can you give an example of a new you see that doesnt have a matching delete?

222464 commented 8 years ago

I don't remember which one I thought I saw not having the matching deletes. Perhaps they were there and I was mistaken. However, why use new/delete at all? It's not good practice for modern C++.

@marty1885 When used properly, smart pointers can be exactly as fast as regular pointers. Also, it is not true that STL objects are slower than C stuff. std::vector, for instance, is just as fast as a heap-allocated primitive array. Stack allocated arrays? std::array has you covered. I actually wrote a raytracer too :) I used to do a lot of 3D programming.

hughperkins commented 8 years ago

Hi 222464,

Thank you for taking an interest in DeepCL, and thank you for the feedback on using smart pointers. As you can imagine, in any project there are many tiny decisions, in design, which have to be made at each stage. CUDA vs OpenCL. Logistic regression vs deep learning. And so on. Using smart pointers vs primitive float arrays is one of many such decisions. I understand it's different from how you would design the project yourself. I guess if you are looking at the code, you are contemplating making some contributions to DeepCL? And I assume that the projects you have worked on have used smart pointers, and it looks a bit ... backwards? ... to you to not use them?

Please bear in mind that in DeepCL, the major painpoint is not writing C code, which is relatively straightforward, I think, but: writing OpenCL kernels, and getting them to run fast. This is really hard and a major pain point. If you can make fast convolutional kernels in OpenCL, well, there are tons of conferences that might be interested in papers and so on on this topic :-)

222464 commented 8 years ago


I agree that writing the OpenCL kernels is where the thought goes in (I do a lot of GPGPU programming as well), the C++ side is mainly boilerplate to call the kernels.

I was looking into using DeepCL as part of a pipeline in another algorithm, as well as using it to compare to the techniques I am working on. Most C++ projects I use myself use modern C++ (11+), so I was a bit surprised that the (pretty much only) DL library for OpenCL is written in an older style.

Perhaps I can make a fork at some point with modern C++ updates :)

hughperkins commented 8 years ago

Well... I used c++11 originally, but came across two issues:

For the first issue, I've split the build now into two parts:

Therefore, it's not impossible the first issue could be resolved now, though changing from msvc10 to some more recent msvc version would need careful testing. Windows 7 should continue to be supported.

For the second issue, I'm not sure if there is an easy solution?

On the whole, if I can choose larger userbase, or slightly more pain for me, I choose slightly more pain for me :-)

hughperkins commented 8 years ago

On the whole, if you want to migrate to some more recent versoin of msvc, and handle testing in all the various combinations of builds, then I might be approximatley open to merging that. You'd need to demonstrate clearly that everything continues to work on :

I have jenkins builds that can handle a lot of the linux stuff. I have travis builds for mac (but no tests). Windows testing is kind of annoying, since I dont have a Windows box, and have to remote in to ec2 boxes and stuff...

hughperkins commented 8 years ago

(there are a bunch of jenkins scripts for windows and linux at: The entrypoints are approximately described in travis is at )

hughperkins commented 7 years ago

Well... interestingly, it seems my license for visual studio 2010 expired, and the replacement is 2015. Python 3.4 is vs 2010, which is no longer supported. and python 3.5 is vs 2015. So, it's up to vs 2015 for me I guess...

hughperkins commented 7 years ago

For info, deepcl builds on msvc2015 now, using branch

You might get what you were asking for :-D

hughperkins commented 7 years ago

release v11.0.1 uses msvc2015, with py3.5/2.7 on windows and py3.4/2.7 on linux.

I'm just going through updating the linux standard to c++11, in large part because of your request.

hughperkins commented 7 years ago

@222464 see , looks like we need some kind of logging framework. Thoughts?

222464 commented 7 years ago

Nice! I am not too familiar with logging frameworks for C++, this one looks nice from a cursory glance though: link

It's not too hard to write one from scratch either, but I would try the linked one first.

hughperkins commented 7 years ago

ok. Ideally, I'm hoping for someting that could be a dropin replacement for hte current cout << instructions?

hughperkins commented 7 years ago

question: why does it need gcc4.8.1+? I thought c++11 was supported in gcc4.6+? Is this a misunderstanding on my part?

222464 commented 7 years ago

I believe it only had partial support at the time. It seems gcc4.8.1 has full support now.

hughperkins commented 7 years ago

Ah, interesting. That's new informatoin...