hughperkins / tf-coriander

OpenCL 1.2 implementation for Tensorflow
Apache License 2.0
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Build error #58

Closed skn123 closed 7 years ago

skn123 commented 7 years ago

____Downloading via 4,008,804 bytes ERROR: /home/admin/srcs/tf-coriander/third_party/eigen3/BUILD:12:1: no such package '@eigen_archive//': Error downloading [] to /home/admin/.cache/bazel/_bazel_admin/5248d45850a159c0f72dd5c3cd93076b/external/eigen_archive/c3496af80cc9.tar.gz: Checksum was ad8d6eb831b90fa75640f5fd094a242c11cd09f212a901d8cc86537da77ace85 but wanted 65307fd9d42a325527f62acd17f01ebb01243cce4c9fc227381d59141d36b019 and referenced by '//third_party/eigen3:eigen3'. ERROR: /home/admin/srcs/tf-coriander/third_party/eigen3/BUILD:12:1: no such package '@eigen_archive//': Error downloading [] to /home/admin/.cache/bazel/_bazel_admin/5248d45850a159c0f72dd5c3cd93076b/external/eigen_archive/c3496af80cc9.tar.gz: Checksum was ad8d6eb831b90fa75640f5fd094a242c11cd09f212a901d8cc86537da77ace85 but wanted 65307fd9d42a325527f62acd17f01ebb01243cce4c9fc227381d59141d36b019 and referenced by '//third_party/eigen3:eigen3'.

What should be the fix for this?

hughperkins commented 7 years ago

So, that's odd. So, firstly, reading through the output above, just to summarize:

So, here's whats odd: if we look at the sourcecode, in master branch, we see:

eigen_version = "c3496af80cc9"
eigen_sha256 = "ad8d6eb831b90fa75640f5fd094a242c11cd09f212a901d8cc86537da77ace85"

We see that:

So, the curious bit is, why is the but wanted bit different in the code you are using, compared to the code in master branch?

Can you provide the output of the following commands please?

git status
git log -n 5 --oneline
skn123 commented 7 years ago

Hugh I figured that out. Apparently you have a line of code there to check the latest sha # of eigen and change that appropriately. I did that and it built without a flaw. I am having a different error now:

[edited by hugh, to move to gist]

skn123 commented 7 years ago

What if I do not want the python libraries and only cared for the C++ libraries? Is there some way I can enable that in this build? BTW.. I surely do miss DeepCL here. Why has google screwed it up here :dagger:

hughperkins commented 7 years ago

Reading. Dont suppose... do you mind moving the, very useful, but quite long :-) , output into a please? :-)

skn123 commented 7 years ago

ok. Will do that.

skn123 commented 7 years ago

hughperkins commented 7 years ago

What if I do not want the python libraries and only cared for the C++ libraries? Is there some way I can enable that in this build? BTW.. I surely do miss DeepCL here. Why has google screwed it up here 🗡

Oh, yeah, I totally agree. I found this a major pain-point whilst develping tf-coriander: in order to test anything, I have to build the whole world, including all the python stuff. Takes forever.

For very simple examples, like really insanely simple, I managed to get stuff working without building python, but anything beyond that, I spent I dunno 10-30 hours hacking around trying to figure out how to do stuff in c++, and finally found it easier tjust to write it in python, and put up with the insane build times...

tldr; I agree that a c++ api would be nice, and havent figured out how to use tensorflow as a c++ library.

hughperkins commented 7 years ago

As far as your build error, I've never seen that error before. Have you changed somethign bout the build? I've been building on ubuntu 16.04, and never seen anything like that. If you havnet changed antyhing about the ocde/build, can you try redoing the whole ./configure bit? Should just be like ./configure, then press enter a half-dozen times, accepting all the defaults, as long as you have created and activated a python 3 virtualenv first.

In the case that you have modified something about the sourcecode/build process ,what things have you chagned?

skn123 commented 7 years ago

Oh BTW.. thanks.. You can close this issue. This is so much hassle. I will stick with Caffe and DeepCL (which sadly is an orphan now. No new updates at all)

hughperkins commented 7 years ago

Ok. Question: why did you choose not to use the pre-built wheel, and instead want to build from source?