hughsie / oars

The Open Age Ratings Service
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
22 stars 6 forks source link

Be less game specific #2

Closed nedrichards closed 6 years ago

nedrichards commented 6 years ago

Games are a really important use case for OARS, however it'd be awesome if we could cover more categories of apps. Even if it's just to make creators of those apps feel more 'welcome' in using the interface. This is feedback we've heard a lot on Flathub as we're encouraging app developers to add OARS metadata to their appdata.

julianrichen commented 6 years ago

A specific example would be "In-Game Purchases". Applications like LBRY have the ability to buy/donate. "In-App Purchases" would be more generic and I believe many mobile games/app use this terminology already.

Same thing with many of the options under Social. Simply renaming "Players" to "Users" would convey the same message and be more generic.

hughsie commented 6 years ago

I've added a money-purchasing=mild which says: Users are encouraged to donate to the project

I've also renamed players to users in a couple of places. Hopefully something more interesting to show soon. :)

hughsie commented 6 years ago

Take a look at for a sneak peak.