hughsie / oars

The Open Age Ratings Service
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Proposal: New "mood" descriptors in line with PEGI/USK ratings #54

Open fpiesche opened 1 year ago

fpiesche commented 1 year ago

In order to allow OARS to be useful for a wider range of users, I would propose the introduction of a new "mood" category of classifiers, consisting of an "intensity" and a "fear" classifier to begin with; these apply more to games than applications but could also be applied to other media content.

My rationale is this:

I've come up with roughly this breakdown:

General intensity

A summary of the general intensity of the content, e.g. the pacing of a piece of media or pressure to act on the player in a videogame. Heated arguments between characters being a major part of the work, or rapid sequences of tense scenes increase the perceived "intensity" of a work, and conflict-oriented content should be considered more intense than non-competitive (e.g. solo versus competitive sports).

This is taken into consideration by e.g. the German USK video games rating authority in their age ratings. The classifications here roughly coincide with the USK 0, 12, 16 and 18 ratings.


Whether the content includes elements frightening or threatening to the person using/viewing/playing the content.

hughsie commented 1 year ago

@cassidyjames what do you think? Seems okay from my point of view.

cassidyjames commented 1 year ago

@hughsie this also makes sense to me for games! Do we think it's okay to be game-specific with these, or is there any way to make them relevant/useful for non-game apps?