hughsk / uglifyify

A browserify transform which minifies your code using UglifyJS2
376 stars 61 forks source link

Missing command line entry #82

Open doodlewind opened 6 years ago

doodlewind commented 6 years ago

Hi, I come up with following error using this module in command line:

➜  ~ npm install uglifyify -g
Downloading uglifyify to /Users/ewind/.nvm/versions/node/v8.3.0/lib/node_modules/uglifyify_tmp
Copying /Users/ewind/.nvm/versions/node/v8.3.0/lib/node_modules/uglifyify_tmp/_uglifyify@4.0.5@uglifyify to /Users/ewind/.nvm/versions/node/v8.3.0/lib/node_modules/uglifyify
Installing uglifyify's dependencies to /Users/ewind/.nvm/versions/node/v8.3.0/lib/node_modules/uglifyify/node_modules
[1/5] extend@^1.2.1 installed at node_modules/_extend@1.3.0@extend
[2/5] through@~2.3.4 installed at node_modules/_through@2.3.8@through
[3/5] convert-source-map@~1.1.0 installed at node_modules/_convert-source-map@1.1.3@convert-source-map
[4/5] minimatch@^3.0.2 installed at node_modules/_minimatch@3.0.4@minimatch
[5/5] uglify-es@^3.0.15 installed at node_modules/_uglify-es@3.2.2@uglify-es
All packages installed (10 packages installed from npm registry, used 1s, speed 360.98kB/s, json 10(19.72kB), tarball 393.24kB)
➜  ~ uglifyjs
zsh: command not found: uglifyjs
➜  ~ uglify  
zsh: command not found: uglify
➜  ~ uglifyify
zsh: command not found: uglifyify

Environment: macOS 10.13 / Node V8.3.0. Is that something I'm missing?