hugo-apero / hugo-apero-docs

Apéro is a Hugo theme for personal websites. This is the documentation site, made with the theme :lemon:
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Use markdownify feature in tabset example #110

Open linogaliana opened 2 years ago

linogaliana commented 2 years ago

Hi, I just discovered Apero which is a really beautiful Hugo framework.

I really love your tabset implementation that is really useful !

I am proposing you a PR to show the {{% shortcodename parameters %}} syntax rather than the {{< shortcodename parameters >}} . I think this is more useful to show that you can put markdown inside tabs, content will be nicely rendered.

Thus, I propose to replace {{< panel XXXX >}} by {{% panel XXXX %}}. I let {{< panelset XXXX >}} syntax because markdowinfication is not necessary at this level (since everything is markdownified inside panels)