hugo-next / hugo-theme-next

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自动标题识别不准确,总是识别为二级 #71

Closed JackTvT closed 1 year ago

JackTvT commented 1 year ago

请按照此 Issue 模版提供相关信息,例如源码仓库、网站链接和屏幕截图,这将有助于我们进行调查。 (Please follow this Issue template to provide relevant information, such as source code repository, website URL and screenshots, which will help us investigate.)

问题自检列表 (Issue Checklist)

请确认如下情况已检查,并将 [ ] 换成 [x] 来选择 (Change [ ] to [x] to selected which your could make sure)

预期行为 (Expected behavior)

请描述你想实现的预期效果 (Please describe the expected behavior what you want) 可以配置一个自动标题目录开关,新建hugo博客的使用自动生成,从别的主题转过来就用之前的,这样不用每篇文章都改。 另外,如果可以添加Header部分放置菜单栏,侧边栏就放置个人信息和文章信息就更好了

实际行为 (Actual behavior)

请同时提供网站链接、屏幕截图和源码地址 (Please provide your site links, screenshots and code repository) image

问题重现步骤 (Steps to reproduce the behavior)

环境信息 (Environment Information)


提供主题 config.yaml 中修改过的部分内容 (Paste ONLY CHANGED CONFIGURATION from config.yaml)

其他有用信息 (Other Information)

例如:操作系统、浏览器等 (e.g. Browser, System)