hugofirth / laravel-mailchimp

A composer package for the MailChimp API PHP class (as provided by MailChimp) which supports the Laravel 4 framework.
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Error When Attempting to Use the Wrapper #5

Closed garethdaine closed 10 years ago

garethdaine commented 10 years ago

I am getting this error when trying to use any of the API methods on MailchimpWrapper:

Using $this when not in object context

This happens when registering the service provider.

public function register()
    $this->app->singleton('mailchimp_wrapper',  function() {
        $mc = new Mailchimp($this->app['config']->get('mailchimp::apikey'));

        return new MailchimpWrapper($mc);
hugofirth commented 10 years ago

Hi garethdaine,

Thanks for submitting this issue. This issue is the same as that reported by the following pull request:


The issue lies in a pull request merged into master which updates the code in order to not rely on the Config facade.


The long and the short of it is that the recommended way of doing things seems to break in PHP 5.3.7

I haven't had a chance to decide what the best solution is so, thus far, I haven't released a tagged commit containing the change.

This means that you should only see this error if you're requiring dev-master in composer. I would strongly encourage you to, instead, do the following:

"require": {
    "hugofirth/mailchimp": "2.0.*",

as per the instructions in the ReadMe. As a general rule of thumb, if a package provides semantic versioning you should depend on that for increased stability.

I will tag a patch release (which should automatically update on your end) when I have found out the best way to handle this (Knowing me, its probably something I'm missing)

Sorry for any inconvenience :)