hugolabe / Wike

Wikipedia Reader for the GNOME Desktop
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Avoid using a User-Agent string with high specificity #117

Closed jeblad closed 8 months ago

jeblad commented 1 year ago

When creating a new type of browser they will be rather few, and the User-Agent string will carry a very high specificity. That makes it easy to track users through use of that string. I.e. the string together with an IP-address is a very good identification of the user. A common way to avoid that is to use a standard string that indicates the expected behaviour. It has become common to use one of the generic Mozilla User-Agent strings to refer to such browsers.

One of the more common such spoofed strings are still “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)”. This one was used by IE 6.0. I would probably use something like “Mozilla/5.0 (linux)”, but this too has a high specificity.

hugolabe commented 1 year ago

Wike only uses its own user-agent in calls to the Wikipedia API, as required by its use policies.

jeblad commented 1 year ago

That would effectively open up for full identification of anonymous IP-users.