hugolpz / OpenEdx-hanzi

Adaptation of HanziWriter to OpenEdX platform
MIT License
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Create pdf pages generator git project #23

Open hugolpz opened 6 years ago

hugolpz commented 6 years ago

Input :

Level 2:

Examples for inspiration: screenshot from 2018-04-26 21-28-25 writing-chinese-calligraphy-home screenshot from 2019-02-18 14-02-32

Level 3:

hugolpz commented 6 years ago

@Chanind, I explored a bit 2 of the possible ways to produce A4 pdfs. On the html2pdf approach, it seems the svg transform / translate get in the way. Could you take a brief look at this one, maybe you will 'feel' the issue thanks to your understanding of hanzi-writer :

HTML2PDF tool, converts an html element into pdf, bug on svg translation (?):

PDFkit, an in-client pdf generator, exploration has issues but progresses :

Exploration will continue.

chanind commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure what the issue could be, the SVG is pretty simple. As a minor aside, I'd recommend rendering the strokes in reverse order so the black strokes show up on top of the gray strokes.

hugolpz commented 5 years ago

New exploration :