hugomfandrade / CalendarView-Widget

📅 CalendarView-Widget is an Android library that allows you to customize and display a calendar and an overview of its events
MIT License
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I want to add text of Event, but how can i...? #5

Closed Comprehensible7 closed 4 years ago

Comprehensible7 commented 4 years ago

Hi. @hugomfandrade

Thank you for providing this great calendar.

I have a question.

If I register a schedule in a calendar, I want to make it visible, but if I press + to register a schedule, the calendar screen will not show the contents of the registration. I'm not sure which part I should register and modify.

I need your help on this.

Thank you.

included example screenshot @iamAliRaza

and here is my question! Screenshot_20200109-002053_Aaaaan_2

Screenshot 2020-01-07 at 7 47 06 PM
hugomfandrade commented 4 years ago

I did not fully understand your question. From what I understood, the + button is just an activity that creates a pojo which is then added to the calendarview. It does not show its contents

Comprehensible7 commented 4 years ago

I did not fully understand your question. From what I understood, the + button is just an activity that creates a pojo which is then added to the calendarview. It does not show its contents

Yes right

I`d like to know how can I show the added contents on this Calendar

Using paint? or canvas? or something else?

and how can I connect the result source? ex) Java 1 result id-> result id -> show on this calendarview ex) 1+1 =2 (java 1 result id) -> 2 -> move and showing on this calendarview


hugomfandrade commented 4 years ago

I haven't implemented this feature yet. When I do, the most straightforward solution is to draw text on the canvas of the onDraw method of the MultipleTriangleView class

Comprehensible7 commented 4 years ago

I haven't implemented this feature yet. When I do, the most straightforward solution is to draw text on the canvas of the onDraw method of the MultipleTriangleView class

Thanks for your help

I`ll try your solution


Comprehensible7 commented 4 years ago

I haven't implemented this feature yet. When I do, the most straightforward solution is to draw text on the canvas of the onDraw method of the MultipleTriangleView class


I have one more question!

How can I save the data on this Calendar?

Using SharedPreferences? or something else?

I have no idea how can I do that...

hugomfandrade commented 4 years ago
