hugomfandrade / CalendarView-Widget

📅 CalendarView-Widget is an Android library that allows you to customize and display a calendar and an overview of its events
MIT License
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update performance ui loading in xml #8

Open Saharatt593 opened 3 years ago

Saharatt593 commented 3 years ago

LinearLayout is better ConstraintLayout Loads faster on low-performance devices

hugomfandrade commented 3 years ago

Please provide an example or a test case that demonstrates it loads faster. Your proposed change leads to a deeper view hierarchy and has a lot of View's with "layout_weight". These are documented to be two things that increase inneficiency. The first paragraph of the link you provided states just that

Saharatt593 commented 3 years ago

ConstraintLayout is Complex And more future. You will be most noticeable in this combination with fragment and more components.You can see the performance test And other blogs. And Sorry for late reply.