hugomods / bootstrap

:art: Hugo Bootstrap Module ships with some handy shortocodes for using Bootstrap components.
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img-grid occasionally fails to find file -- seems like being resolved by wrong page #115

Closed pleasantone closed 9 months ago

pleasantone commented 9 months ago


I use {{< bs/img-grid "attendees.yaml" >}} to build an image grid of photos of people attending an event on a page. The images are stored in the page bundle, in a subdirectory e.g. attendess/foo.jpg.

Anomaly: Page always builds correctly in production. Sometimes, in development, e.g. if one edited that page bundle's, the images are not found. If one triggers a rebuild, they will often be found. reports that the images that were part of the page resources was not found.

Analysis: By adding some debugging, I've determined that when things have failed, it has occurred because image.html's $page variable is Page(/ not Page(/events/2024-baja-mexico/ (the proper page).

Strongly enough, the call to (one level up in the call stack) is always called with the proper Page set.

Here's my debugging output when it fails:

WARN  DATA: page=Page(/events/2024-baja-mexico/ key=attendees data=[map[src:attendees/mug_mattgor.jpg title:Matt "Gecko" Gordon] map[src:attendees/mug_stuart.jpg title:Uncle Stu] map[src:attendees/mug_ian.jpg title:Ian] map[src:attendees/mug_hunt.jpg title:Huntley] map[src:attendees/mug_ich.jpg title:Ichabod] map[src:attendees/mug_raj.jpg title:Raj] map[src:attendees/mug_eminem.jpg title:Mike] map[src:attendees/mug_jake.jpg title:Jake] map[src:attendees/mug_milo.jpg title:Milo] map[src:attendees/mug_holland.jpg title:Holland Ja (unconfirmed)] map[src:attendees/mug_matthanley.jpg title:Matt Hanley (2 days)] map[src:attendees/mug_tuggle.jpg title:Steve Tuggle (2 days)] map[src:attendees/mug_charles.jpg title:Charles (unconfirmed)] map[src:attendees/mug_dan.jpg title:Dan G (unconfirmed)]]

WARN  looking for page resources getmatch path=attendees/mug_mattgor.jpg page=Page(/ res=<nil>
WARN  image not found: attendees/mug_mattgor.jpg
WARN  looking for page resources getmatch path=attendees/mug_stuart.jpg page=Page(/ res=<nil>
WARN  image not found: attendees/mug_stuart.jpg

Here is my debugging when it succeeded:

WARN  DATA: page=Page(/events/2024-baja-mexico/ key=attendees data=[map[src:attendees/mug_mattgor.jpg title:Matt "Gecko" Gordon] map[src:attendees/mug_stuart.jpg title:Uncle Stu] map[src:attendees/mug_ian.jpg title:Ian] map[src:attendees/mug_hunt.jpg title:Huntley] map[src:attendees/mug_ich.jpg title:Ichabod] map[src:attendees/mug_raj.jpg title:Raj] map[src:attendees/mug_eminem.jpg title:Mike] map[src:attendees/mug_jake.jpg title:Jake] map[src:attendees/mug_milo.jpg title:Milo] map[src:attendees/mug_holland.jpg title:Holland Ja (unconfirmed)] map[src:attendees/mug_matthanley.jpg title:Matt Hanley (2 days)] map[src:attendees/mug_tuggle.jpg title:Steve Tuggle (2 days)] map[src:attendees/mug_charles.jpg title:Charles (unconfirmed)] map[src:attendees/mug_dan.jpg title:Dan G (unconfirmed)]]
WARN  looking for page resources getmatch path=attendees/mug_mattgor.jpg page=Page(/events/2024-baja-mexico/ res=attendees/mug_mattgor.jpg
WARN  looking for page resources getmatch path=attendees/mug_stuart.jpg page=Page(/events/2024-baja-mexico/ res=attendees/mug_stuart.jpg

My best guess is that something is partialCached when it shouldn't be, but this is really weird.. the page in question is just using a standard shortcut...

Full source code at

My debugging diffs: bootstrap.patch images.patch

pleasantone commented 9 months ago


Happens when .Page for this short-cut is nil. Looks like we cover it with

$page = default page .Page in image.html why is .Page nil when it was just fine when being called one step up by the bootstrap bs/img shortcut pulling in the data file?

WARN  page=Page(/ .Page=<nil> $page=Page(/
WARN  looking for page resources getmatch path=attendees/mug_mattgor.jpg page=Page(/ res=<nil>
WARN  image not found: attendees/mug_mattgor.jpg