Closed xsteadybcgo closed 4 years ago
WIthin the postcss-pxtorem plugin, I don't want prettier to convert "PX" or "Px" unit to be converted to lower case, the same issue there ! it's a prettier-stylelint issue, right?! My .stylelintrc is
{ "extends": ["stylelint-config-recommended", "stylelint-config-prettier"], "plugins": ["stylelint-prettier"], "rules": { "prettier/prettier": [true, {"parser": "less"}], } }
Adding comments // prettier-ignore is not a good idea, I think!
// prettier-ignore
WIthin the postcss-pxtorem plugin, I don't want prettier to convert "PX" or "Px" unit to be converted to lower case, the same issue there ! it's a prettier-stylelint issue, right?! My .stylelintrc is
Adding comments
// prettier-ignore
is not a good idea, I think!