Start a one-player game with no bots on scenario 1.
Click on the "Next Action" button until you get vortex.
Click on a hero and hold down the button and move wildly in and out of the browser window several times.
Open the browser debugger's console and you should see some errors.
Uncaught TypeError: o.default.get(...).isEmpty is not a function
at e.value (bundle.js:1)
at e.value (bundle.js:1)
at Object.mouseMove (bundle.js:1)
at e (bundle.js:1)
Local Development:
Uncaught TypeError: targetCell.isEmpty is not a function
at Hero.getPath (hero.js:100)
at Hero.checkPath (hero.js:182)
at Object.mouseMove (events.js:301)
at draw (user.js:90)
Local Development: