hugovk / norwegianblue

CLI to show end-of-life dates for a number of products.
MIT License
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:pray: Feature Request > Please add csv to your output options :bar_chart: #110

Closed adriens closed 1 year ago

adriens commented 1 year ago

:grey_question: Context


❯ eol --version
eol 0.9.0 (Python 3.10.6)

The available output options are

-f {html,json,markdown,rst,tsv}, --format {html,json,markdown,rst,tsv}

But most ETL (and other tools) support csv as input format... and often make the load of csv the default mode.

:pray: Feature request

Please add csv output option, respecting rfc4180

For example, the following command :

norwegianblue spring-framework -f csv

Would return :

"cycle","release","latest","latest release","support","eol"

Thank you in advance and thanks a lot for your tool :clap:

hugovk commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the request. CSV can be added easily enough, although there's already TSV, does that work for you?

adriens commented 1 year ago

csv has better support or many platforms. And for example, if well formated, it can also be previewed on Github which is very useful. :smile_cat: Also, for datascience csv is more comonly used. :thought_balloon:

hugovk commented 1 year ago

Sure, please see PR

adriens commented 1 year ago

Jus got it


adriens commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for your kind support.

I'll write a dedicated blog post to and the tooling around it.... and of course the csv part :smiley: