hugovk / norwegianblue

CLI to show end-of-life dates for a number of products.
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:bulb: Feature request > Better markdown reports (applies to rst) :printer: #135

Closed adriens closed 1 year ago

adriens commented 1 year ago

:grey_question: About

Currently, when asking for multiple products output in markdown eol makes a "brutal" append by looping eol on each product... and it can become tricky to find each product section while browsing the output.

The purpose of this issue to enhance that for a better UX on markdown exports.

:bulb: Idea

Instead of having to manually edit the list of products eols, would it be possible to insert md sections ?

This would give the following meta code :

## `product_1`

Output from `eol product_1 --format md`

## `product_2`

Output from `eol product_2 --format md`

:point_right: To see an live example, check this video.

:moneybag: Benefits

:heavy_check_mark: Ready to use output reports while dealing with multiple products

:cherries: on the :cake: : report title

eol java quarkus --format md --title "My Java stack" >

Would add :

# My Java stack

## `java`

## `quarkus`

:smile_cat: As a key benefit, I could embed these in a pandoc toolchain :nerd_face:

Stack examples

:snake: Python

eol python django psql --format md >


eol java maven spring-boot psql --format md >
hugovk commented 1 year ago

I'm not keen on a report title, you can do something like echo "# My Java stack\n"; eol java quarkus --format md, but the product titles makes sense.

And we can do it for all non "pure data" formats:

adriens commented 1 year ago

I'm not keen on a report title, you can do something like echo "# My Java stack\n"; eol java quarkus --format md, but the product titles makes sense.

:+1: That was a :cherries: on the :cake: :smile_cat:

And we can do it for all non "pure data" formats:


:star_struck: Sure :clap: :rocket:

adriens commented 1 year ago

:bulb: Why not also add asciidoc :thought_balloon:

adriens commented 1 year ago

Awesome, thank you very much :pray: :clap: :rocket: