hugovk / norwegianblue

CLI to show end-of-life dates for a number of products.
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:bulb: Feature request > Please add xml (or yaml) output format :nerd_face: #137

Closed adriens closed 1 year ago

adriens commented 1 year ago

:grey_question: About

Actually there is:

:heavy_check_mark: a rich collection of output formats :heavy_check_mark: multiple products command line options

The multiple product option is a very porwerful, which can make a huge difference on productivity, for example, the possibility to make human readable report on whole stacks within a single command line :

For example, for Java developers it can be:

eol java quarkus maven graalvm -f md

:thinking: Improvement

As mentionned by you :

I'm not keen on a report title, you can do something like echo "# My Java stack\n"; eol java quarkus --format md, but the product titles makes sense.

So I stared to think about enterprise grade solutions that would respect eol philosophy to perform integrations without having to impact too much eol with new kind of datas. For product collection, I may need a consistent data driven output.

:pray: Feature request

Producing such an xml would do the trick:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <eol product = "java">
    <cycle id = "19">
    <cycle id = "18">
<eol prodct = "jenkins">
<cycle id = "2">
  <cycle id = "2.361">
  <cycle id = "2.346">

Therefore, the following formats could be added :

:moneybag: Benefits

:point_right: Piping eol with template engines that may defacto implement the "-title" option and many other cool things (timestamp injection, additional rest calls,....)

:tickets: Related issues

hugovk commented 1 year ago

XML is a bit tricky and I'd rather not touch it (it could be post-processed from one of the other output formats) but adds support for YAML 🚀

adriens commented 1 year ago


adriens commented 1 year ago

It will lead to a lot of template engine opportunities... :star_struck: gomplate