hugsy / gef-extras

Extra goodies for GEF to (try to) make GDB suck even less
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Latest version of retdec does not seem to work with GEF-Extras #95

Open 0DAYBROKER opened 8 months ago

0DAYBROKER commented 8 months ago

Hi, I'm using the latest version of GEF and GEF-Extras on x86-64 Arch Linux (WSL). The first Issue I'm having is that GEF-Extras is looking for a file inside the retdec/bin directory but in the latest release of retdec, the decompiler file is not a Python file, but an ELF binary simply called retdec-decompiler. It was easy to circumvent though. I just renamed the file from retdec-decompiler to but then an other issue occurred. When I ran retdec -a inside an active debug session, I got the following output:

gef➤  retdec -a
[*] 'is_big_endian' is deprecated and will be removed in a feature release. Prefer `gef.arch.endianness == Endianness.BIG_ENDIAN`
[+] Saved as '/tmp/gef/test.c'
[!] Command 'retdec' failed to execute properly, reason: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/gef/test.c'

I checked the log file saved in /tmp/gef/test.log which looked like this:

Mandatory arguments:
    INPUT_FILE File to decompile.
General arguments:
    [-o|--output FILE] Output file (default: INPUT_FILE.c if OUTPUT_FORMAT is plain, INPUT_FILE.c.json if OUTPUT_FORMAT is json|json-human).
    [-s|--silent] Turns off informative output of the decompilation.
    [-f|--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT] Output format [plain|json|json-human] (default: plain).
    [-m|--mode MODE] Force the type of decompilation mode [bin|raw] (default: bin).
    [-p|--pdb FILE] File with PDB debug information.
    [-k|--keep-unreachable-funcs] Keep functions that are unreachable from the main function.
    [--cleanup] Removes temporary files created during the decompilation.
    [--config] Specify JSON decompilation configuration file.
    [--disable-static-code-detection] Prevents detection of statically linked code.
Selective decompilation arguments:
    [--select-ranges RANGES] Specify a comma separated list of ranges to decompile (example: 0x100-0x200,0x300-0x400,0x500-0x600).
    [--select-functions FUNCS] Specify a comma separated list of functions to decompile (example: fnc1,fnc2,fnc3).
    [--select-decode-only] Decode only selected parts (functions/ranges). Faster decompilation, but worse results.
Raw or Intel HEX decompilation arguments:
    [-a|--arch ARCH] Specify target architecture [mips|pic32|arm|thumb|arm64|powerpc|x86|x86-64].
                     Required if it cannot be autodetected from the input (e.g. raw mode, Intel HEX).
    [-e|--endian ENDIAN] Specify target endianness [little|big].
                         Required if it cannot be autodetected from the input (e.g. raw mode, Intel HEX).
    [-b|--bit-size SIZE] Specify target bit size [16|32|64] (default: 32).
                         Required if it cannot be autodetected from the input (e.g. raw mode).
    [--raw-section-vma ADDRESS] Virtual address where section created from the raw binary will be placed.
    [--raw-entry-point ADDRESS] Entry point address used for raw binary (default: architecture dependent).
Archive decompilation arguments:
    [--ar-index INDEX] Pick file from archive for decompilation by its zero-based index.
    [--ar-name NAME] Pick file from archive for decompilation by its name.
    [--static-code-sigfile FILE] Adds additional signature file for static code detection.
Backend arguments:
    [--backend-disabled-opts LIST] Prevents the optimizations from the given comma-separated list of optimizations to be run.
    [--backend-enabled-opts LIST] Runs only the optimizations from the given comma-separated list of optimizations.
    [--backend-call-info-obtainer NAME] Name of the obtainer of information about function calls [optim|pessim] (Default: optim).
    [--backend-var-renamer STYLE] Used renamer of variables [address|hungarian|readable|simple|unified] (Default: readable).
    [--backend-no-opts] Disables backend optimizations.
    [--backend-emit-cfg] Emits a CFG for each function in the backend IR (in the .dot format).
    [--backend-emit-cg] Emits a CG for the decompiled module in the backend IR (in the .dot format).
    [--backend-keep-all-brackets] Keeps all brackets in the generated code.
    [--backend-keep-library-funcs] Keep functions from standard libraries.
    [--backend-no-time-varying-info] Do not emit time-varying information, like dates.
    [--backend-no-var-renaming] Disables renaming of variables in the backend.
    [--backend-no-compound-operators] Do not emit compound operators (like +=) instead of assignments.
    [--backend-no-symbolic-names] Disables the conversion of constant arguments to their symbolic names.
Decompilation process arguments:
    [--timeout SECONDS]
    [--max-memory MAX_MEMORY] Limits the maximal memory used by the given number of bytes.
    [--no-memory-limit] Disables the default memory limit (half of system RAM).
LLVM IR debug arguments:
    [--print-after-all] Dump LLVM IR to stderr after every LLVM pass.
    [--print-before-all] Dump LLVM IR to stderr before every LLVM pass.
Other arguments:
    [-h|--help] Show this help.
    [--version] Show RetDec version.

The log doesn't seem to help a lot. Though, it does seem like the decompiler is missing some mandatory command-line arguments or something along those lines.