huihuiqu / rottenTomato

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[Intro to iOS] Please review my Rottentomato #1

Open huihuiqu opened 9 years ago

huihuiqu commented 9 years ago

/cc @codepath Thank you

codepathreview commented 9 years ago

:+1: nice work. The point of this homework was to explore a simple example of a full MVC application with a RESTful API.

Be sure to follow the Swift code styling conventions for the homework. Here are a few useful guides: Ray Wenderlich Swift Style Guide: Github Swift Style Guide:

You should always try to minimize the number of properties and methods that are public or internal (access is internal by default). Make the access private if the property or function doesn't need to be accessed outside the class.

You can create a Movie model with a factory method to create movie instances from dictionaries. In future homework, we will cover how to implement models that can deserialize from an NSDictionary. SwiftyJSON is a useful project for making it easier to deserialize the JSON response.

Nice work loading the images asynchronously.

Your custom Movie cell can have a property called movie. In the custom setter of movie, you should configure the various labels and images. This decouples your custom cells from the table view controllers.

Nice work maintaining posters' aspect ratio in the list view.

Nice work implementing the error message on network failure.

In general, you should challenge yourself to create visually polished applications. That's where you'll find all the rough edges of the iOS framework and earn the next level of mastery.