huilaaja / RedirectManager

Simple and portable redirect manager for Episerver websites
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Multi-Site option not working on Production Site #12

Closed onewhotyles closed 2 years ago

onewhotyles commented 2 years ago


I'm fairly new to Episerver/Optimizely- I've installed the RedirectManager and all seems to work correctly in all our environments EXCEPT our production site. It doesn't seem to work with multiple sites on production. For instance: if I have two rules: redirects to redirects to

on our production site, BOTH incoming URLs resolve to So it is as if the site does not see them as separate domains. Again, this is only happening on our production environment.

Our site runs on the PAAS Portal through Episerver/Optimizely so my only guess is it has something to do with the DXC service but I have no idea how to troubleshoot. Any ideas?

onewhotyles commented 2 years ago

nevermind- I think I solved my issue!