huilensolis / Pictura

Social media platform for sharing. Uploading, searching, downloading, and engaging with images uploaded by the community.
3 stars 2 forks source link

feature: delete image from cloudinary when a post is deleted #69

Closed huilensolis closed 5 months ago

avi-l commented 5 months ago

@Huilensolis please add public_id to the database for posts. we need this in order to delete from cloudinary. I added it to the schema in supabase/types/index.ts but since we're not (yet) using prisma i can't run a migration to add the column to the DB (also verify if the below index.ts for the supabase db looks correct, I added public_id in a few places)

export type Json =
  | string
  | number
  | boolean
  | null
  | { [key: string]: Json | undefined }
  | Json[];

export interface Database {
  public: {
    Tables: {
      customers: {
        Row: {
          id: string;
          stripe_customer_id: string | null;
        Insert: {
          id: string;
          stripe_customer_id?: string | null;
        Update: {
          id?: string;
          stripe_customer_id?: string | null;
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: 'customers_id_fkey';
            columns: ['id'];
            isOneToOne: true;
            referencedRelation: 'users';
            referencedColumns: ['id'];
      posts: {
        Row: {
          asset_url: string;
          public_id: string;
          created_at: string;
          id: number;
          profile_id: string;
          title: string;
          user_id: string;
        Insert: {
          asset_url: string;
          public_id: string;
          created_at?: string;
          id?: number;
          profile_id: string;
          user_id: string;
          title: string;
        Update: {
          asset_url?: string;
          public_id?: string;
          created_at?: string;
          id?: number;
          profile_id?: string;
          user_id: string;
          title: string;
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: 'posts_profile_id_fkey';
            columns: ['profile_id'];
            isOneToOne: false;
            referencedRelation: 'profiles';
            referencedColumns: ['id'];
      prices: {
        Row: {
          active: boolean | null;
          currency: string | null;
          description: string | null;
          id: string;
          interval: Database['public']['Enums']['pricing_plan_interval'] | null;
          interval_count: number | null;
          metadata: Json | null;
          product_id: string | null;
          trial_period_days: number | null;
          type: Database['public']['Enums']['pricing_type'] | null;
          unit_amount: number | null;
        Insert: {
          active?: boolean | null;
          currency?: string | null;
          description?: string | null;
          id: string;
            | Database['public']['Enums']['pricing_plan_interval']
            | null;
          interval_count?: number | null;
          metadata?: Json | null;
          product_id?: string | null;
          trial_period_days?: number | null;
          type?: Database['public']['Enums']['pricing_type'] | null;
          unit_amount?: number | null;
        Update: {
          active?: boolean | null;
          currency?: string | null;
          description?: string | null;
          id?: string;
            | Database['public']['Enums']['pricing_plan_interval']
            | null;
          interval_count?: number | null;
          metadata?: Json | null;
          product_id?: string | null;
          trial_period_days?: number | null;
          type?: Database['public']['Enums']['pricing_type'] | null;
          unit_amount?: number | null;
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: 'prices_product_id_fkey';
            columns: ['product_id'];
            isOneToOne: false;
            referencedRelation: 'products';
            referencedColumns: ['id'];
      products: {
        Row: {
          active: boolean | null;
          description: string | null;
          id: string;
          image: string | null;
          metadata: Json | null;
          name: string | null;
        Insert: {
          active?: boolean | null;
          description?: string | null;
          id: string;
          image?: string | null;
          metadata?: Json | null;
          name?: string | null;
        Update: {
          active?: boolean | null;
          description?: string | null;
          id?: string;
          image?: string | null;
          metadata?: Json | null;
          name?: string | null;
        Relationships: [];
      profiles: {
        Row: {
          avatar_url: string | null;
          banner_url: string | null;
          created_at: string;
          description: string | null;
          id: string;
          location: string | null;
          name: string | null;
          user_id: string;
          username: string | null;
          website: string | null;
        Insert: {
          avatar_url?: string | null;
          banner_url?: string | null;
          created_at?: string;
          description?: string | null;
          id?: string;
          location?: string | null;
          name?: string | null;
          user_id: string;
          username?: string | null;
          website?: string | null;
        Update: {
          avatar_url?: string | null;
          banner_url?: string | null;
          created_at?: string;
          description?: string | null;
          id?: string;
          location?: string | null;
          name?: string | null;
          user_id?: string;
          username?: string | null;
          website?: string | null;
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: 'profiles_user_id_fkey';
            columns: ['user_id'];
            isOneToOne: false;
            referencedRelation: 'users';
            referencedColumns: ['id'];
      subscriptions: {
        Row: {
          cancel_at: string | null;
          cancel_at_period_end: boolean | null;
          canceled_at: string | null;
          created: string;
          current_period_end: string;
          current_period_start: string;
          ended_at: string | null;
          id: string;
          metadata: Json | null;
          price_id: string | null;
          quantity: number | null;
          status: Database['public']['Enums']['subscription_status'] | null;
          trial_end: string | null;
          trial_start: string | null;
          user_id: string;
        Insert: {
          cancel_at?: string | null;
          cancel_at_period_end?: boolean | null;
          canceled_at?: string | null;
          created?: string;
          current_period_end?: string;
          current_period_start?: string;
          ended_at?: string | null;
          id: string;
          metadata?: Json | null;
          price_id?: string | null;
          quantity?: number | null;
          status?: Database['public']['Enums']['subscription_status'] | null;
          trial_end?: string | null;
          trial_start?: string | null;
          user_id: string;
        Update: {
          cancel_at?: string | null;
          cancel_at_period_end?: boolean | null;
          canceled_at?: string | null;
          created?: string;
          current_period_end?: string;
          current_period_start?: string;
          ended_at?: string | null;
          id?: string;
          metadata?: Json | null;
          price_id?: string | null;
          quantity?: number | null;
          status?: Database['public']['Enums']['subscription_status'] | null;
          trial_end?: string | null;
          trial_start?: string | null;
          user_id?: string;
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: 'subscriptions_price_id_fkey';
            columns: ['price_id'];
            isOneToOne: false;
            referencedRelation: 'prices';
            referencedColumns: ['id'];
            foreignKeyName: 'subscriptions_user_id_fkey';
            columns: ['user_id'];
            isOneToOne: false;
            referencedRelation: 'users';
            referencedColumns: ['id'];
      users: {
        Row: {
          billing_address: Json | null;
          id: string;
          name: string | null;
          payment_method: Json | null;
        Insert: {
          billing_address?: Json | null;
          id: string;
          name?: string | null;
          payment_method?: Json | null;
        Update: {
          billing_address?: Json | null;
          id?: string;
          name?: string | null;
          payment_method?: Json | null;
        Relationships: [
            foreignKeyName: 'users_id_fkey';
            columns: ['id'];
            isOneToOne: true;
            referencedRelation: 'users';
            referencedColumns: ['id'];
    Views: {
      [_ in never]: never;
    Functions: {
      [_ in never]: never;
    Enums: {
      pricing_plan_interval: 'day' | 'week' | 'month' | 'year';
      pricing_type: 'one_time' | 'recurring';
        | 'trialing'
        | 'active'
        | 'canceled'
        | 'incomplete'
        | 'incomplete_expired'
        | 'past_due'
        | 'unpaid';
    CompositeTypes: {
      [_ in never]: never;

export type Tables<
  PublicTableNameOrOptions extends
    | keyof (Database['public']['Tables'] & Database['public']['Views'])
    | { schema: keyof Database },
  TableName extends PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
    ? keyof (Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions['schema']]['Tables'] &
    : never = never
> = PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
  ? (Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions['schema']]['Tables'] &
      Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions['schema']]['Views'])[TableName] extends {
      Row: infer R;
    ? R
    : never
  : PublicTableNameOrOptions extends keyof (Database['public']['Tables'] &
  ? (Database['public']['Tables'] &
      Database['public']['Views'])[PublicTableNameOrOptions] extends {
      Row: infer R;
    ? R
    : never
  : never;

export type TablesInsert<
  PublicTableNameOrOptions extends
    | keyof Database['public']['Tables']
    | { schema: keyof Database },
  TableName extends PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
    ? keyof Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions['schema']]['Tables']
    : never = never
> = PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
  ? Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions['schema']]['Tables'][TableName] extends {
      Insert: infer I;
    ? I
    : never
  : PublicTableNameOrOptions extends keyof Database['public']['Tables']
  ? Database['public']['Tables'][PublicTableNameOrOptions] extends {
      Insert: infer I;
    ? I
    : never
  : never;

export type TablesUpdate<
  PublicTableNameOrOptions extends
    | keyof Database['public']['Tables']
    | { schema: keyof Database },
  TableName extends PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
    ? keyof Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions['schema']]['Tables']
    : never = never
> = PublicTableNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
  ? Database[PublicTableNameOrOptions['schema']]['Tables'][TableName] extends {
      Update: infer U;
    ? U
    : never
  : PublicTableNameOrOptions extends keyof Database['public']['Tables']
  ? Database['public']['Tables'][PublicTableNameOrOptions] extends {
      Update: infer U;
    ? U
    : never
  : never;

export type Enums<
  PublicEnumNameOrOptions extends
    | keyof Database['public']['Enums']
    | { schema: keyof Database },
  EnumName extends PublicEnumNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
    ? keyof Database[PublicEnumNameOrOptions['schema']]['Enums']
    : never = never
> = PublicEnumNameOrOptions extends { schema: keyof Database }
  ? Database[PublicEnumNameOrOptions['schema']]['Enums'][EnumName]
  : PublicEnumNameOrOptions extends keyof Database['public']['Enums']
  ? Database['public']['Enums'][PublicEnumNameOrOptions]
  : never;