huin / goupnp

UPnP client library for Go (#golang)
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Provide an API to use specific ip addresses for discovery #59

Open mh-cbon opened 1 year ago

mh-cbon commented 1 year ago

Hi !

I need to test upnp connectivity over virtual "any addresses" IE

The current API auto detects and auto selects the IPs based on the output of net.Interface which does not include those.

For consistency this line might be an issue

Indeed, when listening upon v4AnyAddr, here at least, it returns AnyAddrV6, ie [::].... I am not looking forward for ipv6 support.

mh-cbon commented 1 year ago

I have sketched some changes here, to see.

Overall, in this form it is breaking the API. At some point i though that it probably should exist a(nother) Client API onto which functions defined within goupnp.go are defined with more flexibility. Than some default client is defined and those package functions redirect their call to that default client.

Edit: looking further,

I dont share the sketch because it contains lots of useless dup code that would not exist if i had used a fork directly, i worked around. Although, here is the resulting equivalent invocation of the API, to figure how different that would be

    addrs := []string{""}
    addrs = append(addrs, upnp.SomeLocalIPv4MCastAddrs()...)
    client, err := upnp.NewHTTPUMultiClient(addrs...)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    rootDevices, err := upnp.DiscoverDevicesCtx(context.Background(), client, ssdp.UPNPRootDevice)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, rtDevice := range rootDevices {
mh-cbon commented 1 year ago

I ended up crafting many things.

there is a new discovery client like

client := goupnp.Discovery{
        Client: goupnp.AutoDiscover(""),

A new kind to lookup services and provide concrete implementations such as lookup.ServiceTable map[string]func(goupnp.MultiServiceClient) ServiceImplementations

svcTable := lookup.ServiceTable{
        internetgateway2.URN_WANIPConnection_1: func(services goupnp.MultiServiceClient) (out lookup.ServiceImplementations) {
            for _, v := range internetgateway2.NewWANIPConnection1MultiClients(services) {
                out = append(out, v)

Then it is possible to resolve services to implementation with a call like

    searchTargets := svcTable.Targets() // internetgateway2.URN_WANIPConnection_1, internetgateway2.URN_WANIPConnection_2 etc....
    services, _, err := client.NewServiceClientsCtx(context.Background(), searchTargets...)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // do some filterings...
    // hostwhatever := services.Filter(goupnp.ServiceHost("192..."))

        impls := svcTable.Implement(services)
        // impls is interface []lookup.ServiceImplementation, which in turn is one of ` internetgateway2.NewWANIPConnection1MultiClients` , ` internetgateway2.NewWANIPConnection2MultiClients` etc... 

    for _, impl := range impls {
        fmt.Printf("%T\n", impl)
        // need type assert
        // impl.(portmapping.PortMapper).AddPortMapping()

The Template is modified to instantiate DCP client for a MultiServiceClient, such as

func NewDeviceProtection1MultiClients(mutiClients goupnp.MultiServiceClient) []*DeviceProtection1 {
    services := mutiClients.Filter(goupnp.ServiceType(URN_DeviceProtection_1)) // The service clients are filtered to keep only those that corresponds to the related service definition
    clients := make([]*DeviceProtection1, len(services))
    for i := range services {
        clients[i] = &DeviceProtection1{services[i]}
    return clients

The MultiServiceClient is a list filter that works on the flat list of all services for every local addr. It defines, func (m MultiServiceClient) Filter(f ServiceClientFilter, andAlso ...ServiceClientFilter) MultiServiceClient and type ServiceClientFilter func(ServiceClient) bool. With some dedicated helpers such as ServiceType(ts ...string) ServiceClientFilter.

Doing so, i was able to define an appropriate IGW service table

var IGW = lookup.ServiceTable{
    internetgateway1.URN_WANIPConnection_1: func(services goupnp.MultiServiceClient) (out lookup.ServiceImplementations) {
        for _, v := range internetgateway1.NewWANIPConnection1MultiClients(services) {
            out = append(out, v)
    internetgateway2.URN_WANIPConnection_2: func(services goupnp.MultiServiceClient) (out lookup.ServiceImplementations) {
        for _, v := range internetgateway2.NewWANIPConnection2MultiClients(services) {
            out = append(out, v)

And its accompanying Lookup function to deal with virtual any addresses.

    var out []PortMapperClient

    searchTargets := IGW.Targets()

    services, _, err := client.NewServiceClientsCtx(context.Background(), searchTargets...)
    if err != nil {
        return out, err

    impls := IGW.ExpandAnyAddr(services)
    for _, impl := range impls {
        switch x := impl.(type) {
        case lookup.AnyAddrServiceImplementation:
            out = append(out, PortMapperClient{
                PortMapper:            x.ServiceImplementation.(PortMapper),
                ServiceImplementation: impl,
        case PortMapper:
            out = append(out, PortMapperClient{
                PortMapper:            x,
                ServiceImplementation: impl,
            log.Printf("not a port mapper %T", x)

in the end it can fetch all clients, resolve the virtual address thing and get the right local address to use for the call to AddPortMapping when it encounters anyAddr.

    for _, impl := range impls {
        switch x := impl.(type) {
        case lookup.AnyAddrServiceImplementation:
            fmt.Printf("%v should port map using %v\n", x.ServiceImplementation.LocalAddr(), impl.LocalAddr())
        _, ok := impl.(portmapping.PortMapper)
        fmt.Printf("%T PortMapper=%v\n", impl, ok)

anyway.. Much.... much changes !

huin commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the slow reply, I tend to only deal with this repo on weekends.

A few questions/comments:

mh-cbon commented 1 year ago

hi, no worries for the late reply, thanks for the inputs.

About functional options, it surely could do few things, although, this is still breaking the API signature. I dont think this is right for someone that built up some APIs that relies on interfaces, or functions type def.

About httpuClient, the reason I did that is that if you do net.Listen("").Addr() you dont exactly get back, but its ipv6 equivalent notation. It is anything but obvious. So that seem just right to re use the strict input.

About ssdpRawSearch, bad comment on my part, sorry, indeed it already receives one, it just happens I had to rename the variable because it was conflicting with the newly imported httpu package, and misread that. Although, again, such change, take n an hypothetical ClientInterface would break signature APIs.

About MultiServiceClient, I have introduced that new type in order to manipulate found clients before they are instantiated, filtering and select against the multiple upnp gateways. Otherwise, such API leaks into all generated types ( for example), or it needed an extra step to unbox the clients from their instance implementation, then rebox into some slice type to perform filtering, then later, re instantiate the specific services client, it did not look right at the time of writing. Although, this is definitely an intentional major shift in regard to the current API design.

Overall, besides the specific implementation details change, like the dedup mechanism, which could be made configurable, one way or another, it is a lot of changes, despite my attempts at being conservative (i tried = ). I feel mixed about it regarding the shift in the design api. Maybe i kept that away and for an eventual V2 this is considered.