huitangtang / DisClusterDA

Code release for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Distilled Discriminative Clustering published by Pattern Recognition in 2022
MIT License
10 stars 2 forks source link

datset #1

Open Obsinaan opened 2 years ago

Obsinaan commented 2 years ago

Please,could you share how you take dataset? thanks in advance!

huitangtang commented 1 year ago

Hi, good day! An exhaustive review of previous transfer learning and domain adaptation datasets is available here, where you can find the link to download the data.

huitangtang commented 1 year ago

Recently, our group introduced a new synthetic-to-real benchmark S2RDA in CVPR 2023. The project page is here.

Compared to VisDA-2017, our introduced S2RDA contains more categories, more realistically synthesized source domain data coming for free, and more complicated target domain data collected from diverse real-world sources, setting a more practical and challenging benchmark for future domain adaptation research.