hukaixuan19970627 / yolov5_obb

yolov5 + csl_label.(Oriented Object Detection)(Rotation Detection)(Rotated BBox)基于yolov5的旋转目标检测
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.77k stars 421 forks source link

Custom Dataset #320

Closed jjunsss closed 2 years ago

jjunsss commented 2 years ago

thank you for your repo !

I have a question.

Wangfeng2394 commented 2 years ago

斜框标注软件一大堆, 分割数据集转斜框,自己写脚本,别张口要代码

Avant-Gardiste commented 2 years ago

@junsukim97 Hi, you can use rolabelimg ( to directly get rotated bounding box, but you'll have to transform the coordinates format, because rolabelimg will give this kind of annotations (class,cx, cy, width, height, angle), and you will need to convert it to get the 4 coordinates corners or you rotated bbox (x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,class). Or you can une use roboflow, label your object with polygon and export your final annoations to yolov5_obb and you'll get what you need !

hukaixuan19970627 commented 2 years ago

You can search the tool on GitHub:

yuanzhougege commented 2 years ago

请问我想使用hrsc2016数据集 我应该在训练前怎么准备,这个xml格式的不知道怎么去改城txt带角度的

jjunsss commented 2 years ago

I didn't want to code.

so I have just made it Polygon2OBB annotation work.

Link : Polygon annotation to Obb points result points : [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], [x4, y4]]

ryouchinsa commented 1 year ago

RectLabel is an offline image annotation tool for object detection and segmentation. Although this is not an open source program, with RectLabel, you can draw oriented bounding boxes and export to the DOTA OBB format.

x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 category difficult
1300.536987 1413.503784 1192.848755 1535.568848 530.876038 951.562073 638.564270 829.497009 truck 0
