hukkax / Propulse

A crossplatform ProTracker clone with an Impulse Tracker-style interface
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Error compiling on Linux 64 #6

Closed circular17 closed 7 months ago

circular17 commented 3 years ago

The linker says it needs the libraries SDL2, soxr and bass.

I've got SDL2 and soxr by installed the packages: libsdl2-dev libsoxr-dev

Cannot find however bass. The command dpkg -S gives no result.

hukkax commented 3 years ago

Have a look at docs/building.txt, it lists the dependencies and where to get them. Alternatively build without BASS.

circular17 commented 3 years ago

I've been able to download BASS from this website:

So now I compiled with BASS. However I get a runtime error on a divss instruction (call to SDL by TWindow.FlipFrame).

hukkax commented 3 years ago

That build of BASS is 5 years old. Better use the one from un4seen directly or the .so in bin/Linux-64bit.

I was able to reproduce the crash. Seems to happen in the SDL_RenderClear call, which fortunately isn't required for proper function so a temporary fix would be to simply comment out that call.