Closed shellRaining closed 8 months ago
Thanks for the issue! I have some time this week and can investigate
Interesting, so it looks like the GFM spec ( does not have wiki links, but when you have the "Markdown" format selected when editing a Wiki page they are converted to internal links anyway and you don't have to switch to something like the MediaWiki edit mode ( from wikicloth of
Given that the wiki links don't appear to be documented as part of GFM, my first thought is that the feature would need to be a separate package to support users who want the strict implementation of GFM.
However, you're in luck because a package already seems to exist and you can use it today: 🎉
Let me know if mdformat-wikilink
solves your issue
yes, it does work! but I don't see this plugin in mdformat docs, so maybe I should take a pr for it 😄
very thanks for your useful plugin first! these days I encounter some trouble when formating wikiLink markdown file, for example
after format this file, this change to
the wikiLink not work properly now...
github wiki now support this format , can you add this feature?