hukl / Smyck-Color-Scheme

Color Scheme for, iTerm2, Vim, MacVim, Sublime Text2 and Textmate
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New Terminals Support #21

Open leoheck opened 9 years ago

leoheck commented 9 years ago

Hi, I have an idea to give support for other terminals. I found this 4bit Terminal Color Scheme Designer site.

If you click on Get Scheme on top-right, you can see they share their color scheme in many flavors. Lets take that configuration schemes an update with Smyck Colors.

I think many people will like. If you agree with this idea I could help you in this task. What you think?

I am creating a list with some progress.


Mazyod commented 9 years ago

Does intelliJ's console/terminal count?

leoheck commented 9 years ago

I am not a developer, but it is possible to add it in the list for someone implement.

vcavallo commented 8 years ago

gnome support possible here: as of today, from me :)

wldcordeiro commented 8 years ago

I'd like it if the colors 0-15 were posted in common formats in the readme so you could add the theme to whatever terminal you use (I use which doesn't really have theme files.)

mputilin commented 7 years ago

is there any way to use your superb theme with putty?

HolgerPeters commented 3 years ago

That would support MS Terminal (

"schemes": [
            "name": "Retro",
            "background": "#000000",
            "black": "#000000",
            "blue": "#218693",
            "brightBlack": "#5D5D5D",
            "brightBlue": "#9CD9F0",
            "brightCyan": "#77DFD8",
            "brightGreen": "#CDEE69",
            "brightPurple": "#00ff00",
            "brightRed": "#E09690",
            "brightWhite": "#F7F7F7",
            "brightYellow": "#ffe377",
            "cyan": "#77DFD8",
            "foreground": "#B0B0B0",
            "green": "#8EB33B",
            "purple": "#C8A0D1",
            "red": "#C75646",
            "white": "#B0B0B0",
            "yellow": "#D0B03C"