hukl / Smyck-Color-Scheme

Color Scheme for, iTerm2, Vim, MacVim, Sublime Text2 and Textmate
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Re-organize per application #31

Open suhlig opened 7 years ago

suhlig commented 7 years ago

In the Freakshow podcast episode 196, @hukl asked for suggestions to make contributions simpler and also ease the maintenance burden for him.

I would like to propose a new GitHub organization with a separate repo for each application:

smyck-color-scheme (github org)
├── meta (repo)
│   ├── README.markdown
│   ├── colors
├── web
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── css
│   │   ├── style.css
│   │   └── colors
│   ├── fonts
│   ├── ...
│   ├── README.markdown
│   └── Smyck.terminal
├── iTerm2
│   ├── README.markdown
│   └── Smyck.itermcolors
├── Vim
│   ├── README.markdown
│   └── smyck.vim
├── Textmate
│   ├── README.markdown
│   └── Smyck.tmTheme
├── Eclipse
│   ├── README.markdown
│   ├── Eclipse Color Theme Plugin
│   └── Eclipse Preferences

For a user only interested in the Vim color scheme, the command becomes:

git clone

and she is not bothered with other stuff.

I guess @hukl would be owning at least smyck-color-scheme/meta, and assign additional collaborators and owners to the application repositories.