hulab / ClusterKit

An iOS map clustering framework targeting MapKit, Google Maps and Mapbox.
MIT License
512 stars 86 forks source link

Not able to try it #36

Closed dneykov closed 6 years ago

dneykov commented 6 years ago


I'm want to give your framework a try but I'm not able to install it pod install gives following errors:

Fetching podspec for `ClusterKit` from `../.`
[!] The following pods are integrated into targets that do not have the same Swift version:

- ClusterKit/Core required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
- ClusterKit/MapKit required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
- ClusterKit/Mapbox required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
- Mapbox-iOS-SDK required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
- GoogleMaps required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
- GoogleMaps/Base required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
- GoogleMaps/Maps required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
maxep commented 6 years ago

It's working well on my side:

Trying ClusterKit
Performing CocoaPods Installation
Fetching podspec for `ClusterKit` from `../.`
Installing ClusterKit (0.3.2)
Installing GeoJSONSerialization (0.0.4)
Installing GoogleMaps (2.4.0)
Installing Mapbox-iOS-SDK (3.6.4)

[!] Please close any current Xcode sessions and use `Examples.xcworkspace` for this project from now on.
Sending stats
Pod installation complete! There are 4 dependencies from the Podfile and 4 total pods installed.

Did you run pod repo update before ?

dneykov commented 6 years ago

Yes I did, here is complete message:

Trying ClusterKit
Performing CocoaPods Installation
[!] The version of CocoaPods used to generate the lockfile (1.3.1) is higher than the version of the current executable (1.2.0). Incompatibility issues may arise.
Fetching podspec for `ClusterKit` from `../.`
[!] The following pods are integrated into targets that do not have the same Swift version:

- ClusterKit/Core required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
- ClusterKit/MapKit required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
- ClusterKit/Mapbox required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
- Mapbox-iOS-SDK required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
- GoogleMaps required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
- GoogleMaps/Base required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
- GoogleMaps/Maps required by Example-objc (Swift 3.0), Example-swift (Swift 4.0)
dneykov commented 6 years ago

It worked after installing latest version of cocoapods.

dneykov commented 6 years ago

I tried the library and it's working pretty good. But in my application I have lots of annotations with same coordinates or very close to each other and when I tap on that cluster with 1000+ annotation on same location it's freezing. I know that I cannot tap on all 1000 annotations on same position but I want to avoid that freezing if they are tapped. Any suggestions?


fvolchyok commented 6 years ago

@dneykov which version of mapkit do you use? It seems like clusterkit is broken for mapkit version 3.7. For me, it freezes only for some time, no matter how many items in cluster I have and crashes due to recursion. You could try to change pod version to 3.6.4 (pod 'Mapbox-iOS-SDK', '~> 3.6.4'). Please, let me know if it helps.

maxep commented 6 years ago

@dneykov You can open another issue regarding the performances. @fvolchyok I will check that recursion.