Open solomon-gumball opened 6 years ago
Any resolution of the issue?
@vijayradke Yea. Used a different library lol
May I know which one you used?
I used CCHMapClusterController. It doesn't have the nice pin location animations but it works and it's easy to use.
Just fix this with next line of codes:
Add open orderedSet to CKCluster.h:
- (NSMutableOrderedSet<id<MKAnnotation>> *) orderedSet;
In realisation CKCluster.m just return _annotations:
- (NSMutableOrderedSet<id<MKAnnotation>> *) orderedSet {
return _annotations;
And inside CKClusterManager.m update private method:
- (void)updateMapRect:(MKMapRect)visibleMapRect animated:(BOOL)animated {
if (!self.tree || MKMapRectIsNull(visibleMapRect) || MKMapRectIsEmpty(visibleMapRect)) {
MKMapRect clusterMapRect = MKMapRectWorld;
if (self.marginFactor != kCKMarginFactorWorld) {
clusterMapRect = MKMapRectInset(visibleMapRect,
-self.marginFactor * visibleMapRect.size.width,
-self.marginFactor * visibleMapRect.size.height);
double zoom =;
CKClusterAlgorithm *algorithm = (zoom < self.maxZoomLevel)? self.algorithm : [CKClusterAlgorithm new];
NSArray *clusters = [algorithm clustersInRect:clusterMapRect zoom:zoom tree:self.tree];
//------HERE the moment that delete all duplicates from clusters
for (CKCluster* cluster in clusters) {
for (CKCluster* secondCluster in clusters) {
if (![secondCluster isEqualToCluster:cluster] && [secondCluster intersectsCluster:cluster]) {
NSMutableSet<id<MKAnnotation>> *secondSet = secondCluster.orderedSet.set.mutableCopy;
[cluster.orderedSet minusSet:secondSet];
NSMutableSet *newClusters = [NSMutableSet setWithArray:clusters];
NSMutableSet *oldClusters = [NSMutableSet setWithSet:_clusters];
[oldClusters minusSet:newClusters];
[newClusters minusSet:_clusters];
if (visibleMapRect.size.width > _visibleMapRect.size.width) {
[self collapse:oldClusters.allObjects to:newClusters.allObjects in:visibleMapRect];
} else if (visibleMapRect.size.width < _visibleMapRect.size.width) {
[self expand:newClusters.allObjects from:oldClusters.allObjects in:visibleMapRect];
} else {
[ addClusters:newClusters.allObjects];
[ removeClusters:oldClusters.allObjects];
[_clusters minusSet:oldClusters];
[_clusters unionSet:newClusters];
_visibleMapRect = visibleMapRect;
Not optimised but although work perfectly.
I've been attempting to integrate ClusterKit into our app but it seems at certain zoom levels a single annotation may exist in multiple clusters which looks strange. Here is a gif illustrating the issue:
Here you can see that there are just 3 annotations, but when I zoom out to a certain level it goes from clusters of 2 and 1 to clusters of 2 and 2 and then when zooming out more it goes to one cluster of 3. There are actually only 3 annotations so it seems they are mistakenly sharing an annotation at a specific zoom level.
The code I've added so far is pretty straightforward and follows your example quite closely.
I add the algorithm with a custom cell size:
Creating MKAnnotationViews and setting the annotation:
and updating the clusters when region changes:
Is there something wrong with the distance based algorithm or am I doing something incorrectly?