hultenvp / solis-sensor

HomeAssistant integration for the SolisCloud PV Monitoring portal via SolisCloud API
Apache License 2.0
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New Entities #222

Closed viking2010 closed 1 year ago

viking2010 commented 1 year ago


Just wondering how easy it would be for you to add some additional entities in to what's available currently? For example, Battery health? There's a few things that could be good to add but before I compile a list, just wanted to enquire.

Also, I have noticed that the entity "sensor.solis_inverter_daily_grid_energy_used" isn't related to the grid at all and should be "homeLoadTodayEnergy" (taken from the

Many thanks

viking2010 commented 1 year ago

If the following from the API's could be added then that would be great (copy/pasted from the output):

"gridSellEnergy": 0, "gridSellEnergyStr": "kWh", "gridSellTodayEnergy": 0.0, "gridSellTodayEnergyStr": "kWh", "gridSellTotalEnergy": 1.339, "gridSellTotalEnergyStr": "MWh", (prob better as kWh??)

"gridPurchasedTodayEnergy": 1.4, "gridPurchasedTodayEnergyStr": "kWh", "gridPurchasedTotalEnergy": 823.0, "gridPurchasedTotalEnergyStr": "kWh",

"storageBatteryCurrent": -0.3, "storageBatteryCurrentStr": "A", "storageBatteryVoltage": 49.4, "storageBatteryVoltageStr": "V",

I'm going to raise a ticket with Solis with regards to these API's as they're always blank for some reason. Seem to be several like that: "gridPurchasedEnergy": 0, "gridPurchasedEnergyStr": "kWh", "gridPurchasedYearEnergy": 0, "gridPurchasedYearEnergyStr": "kWh", "gridPurchasedYesterdayEnergy": 0.0, "gridPurchasedYesterdayEnergyStr": "kWh", "gridPurchasedMonthEnergy": 0, "gridPurchasedMonthEnergyStr": "kWh", "gridSellYearEnergy": 0, "gridSellYearEnergyStr": "kWh", "gridSellYesterdayEnergy": 0.0, "gridSellYesterdayEnergyStr": "kWh", "gridSellMonthEnergy": 0, "gridSellMonthEnergyStr": "kWh",

viking2010 commented 1 year ago

Also, I have noticed that the entity "sensor.solis_inverter_daily_grid_energy_used" isn't related to the grid at all and should be "homeLoadTodayEnergy" (taken from the

Looking over the file, it looks to be accurate, so I can only assume it's me that's wrong here lol!

....and, as I go through the .py files, I'm finding that some of the above things are actually there, but it's how their named that's the reason I have been confused. Doesn't take much.

hultenvp commented 1 year ago

When Lucidity and myself worked on Soliscloud support we wanted to keep the sensor names identical to the Ginlong portal. We described the mapping here: A lot of the sensors you want extra can be added. You can add them yourself to experiment if you want and create a pull request if you have it working. Just add them in soliscloud API to the right list (see API documentation or which endpoint to find them) If the sensor does not yet exists then you need to also define the key in and add the sensor to the list in

viking2010 commented 1 year ago

Ahh, that makes sense, and I think it also answers my question in the Solis Beta discussion about them not seeming to work when I update the .py scripts. I'm just getting to grips with Python and I don't think I'd updated the file as I'm using the solis side of things. But I take it the is also required whether you use solis or not?

hultenvp commented 1 year ago

It's a list of shared constant keys and maps the API output to the actual sensors. If they key is not supported by ginlong then it's simply skipped, so you can extend for SolisCloud only

viking2010 commented 1 year ago

Cool, thanks for that. Happy to close this off 👍

jmason commented 1 year ago

@viking2010 are you going to open a pull request to add those metrics you were requesting? I was planning to add a couple of those too :)

viking2010 commented 1 year ago

@jmason I'm not 100% sure how to do that. Let me have ago at adding them in first and see what results I get. If things go well, then I'll then look at doing a pull request. I have used a few programming languages in my time but I'm still getting to grips with Python. Whilst I can get the gist what the code is doing, knowing exactly how things work is another matter entirely! Don't expect instant success, but I will drop a response here if I do figure it all out!!

jmason commented 1 year ago

I have had a go at adding some of these here: