hultenvp / solis-sensor

HomeAssistant integration for the SolisCloud PV Monitoring portal via SolisCloud API
Apache License 2.0
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Solis Daily Grid Energy Used shows no values #279

Closed jseppeli closed 12 months ago

jseppeli commented 1 year ago

Setting up Home assistant Energy dashboard but "Solis Daily Grid Energy Used" does not show any values

Have set this as Grid consumption and "Solis Daily On-grid Energy" as Return to Grid

hultenvp commented 1 year ago

Does the sensor report any values at all? Not all inverters report this data. AFAIK you need an inverter with battery. Mine also does not and only reports 0.0 kWh.

jseppeli commented 1 year ago

These does not show any values at all.

In Solis cloud there is values for these that would be the most interesting to have. The monthly and yearly is not in my opinion that important as HA however show these calulated when the timeline is selected.

Aren't these fetchable by the Solis API or does Solis have differencies in what can be fetched by the API and what is shown in Solis cloud?

EDIT: I have an inverter with smart power meter so these values should/could be available as it measures also the outgoing power.

darroyop commented 1 year ago

Hi, same issue here (Thanks for your work)

hultenvp commented 1 year ago

Hi, as mentioned in another thread I'm in the middle of a home renovation, so apologies for any delay in response.

I fetch the following data via the API:

        INVERTER_SERIAL:                  ['sn', str, None],
        INVERTER_PLANT_ID:                ['stationId', str, None],
        INVERTER_DEVICE_ID:               ['id', str, None],
        INVERTER_DATALOGGER_SERIAL:       ['collectorId', str, None],
        # Timestamp of measurement
        INVERTER_TIMESTAMP_UPDATE:        ['dataTimestamp', int, None],
        INVERTER_STATE:                   ['state', int, None],
        INVERTER_TEMPERATURE:             ['inverterTemperature', float, 1],
        INVERTER_POWER_STATE:             ['currentState', int, None],
        INVERTER_ACPOWER:                 ['pac', float, 3],
        INVERTER_ACPOWER_STR:             ['pacStr', str, None],
        INVERTER_ACFREQUENCY:             ['fac', float, 2],
        INVERTER_ENERGY_TODAY:            ['eToday', float, 2], # Default
        INVERTER_ENERGY_THIS_MONTH:       ['eMonth', float, 2],
        INVERTER_ENERGY_THIS_MONTH_STR:   ['eMonthStr', str, None],
        INVERTER_ENERGY_THIS_YEAR:        ['eYear', float, 2],
        INVERTER_ENERGY_THIS_YEAR_STR:    ['eYearStr', str, None],
        INVERTER_ENERGY_TOTAL_LIFE:       ['eTotal', float, 2],
        INVERTER_ENERGY_TOTAL_LIFE_STR:   ['eTotalStr', str, None],
        STRING_COUNT:                     ['dcInputtype', int, None],
        STRING1_VOLTAGE:                  ['uPv1', float, 2],
        STRING2_VOLTAGE:                  ['uPv2', float, 2],
        STRING3_VOLTAGE:                  ['uPv3', float, 2],
        STRING4_VOLTAGE:                  ['uPv4', float, 2],
        STRING1_CURRENT:                  ['iPv1', float, 2],
        STRING2_CURRENT:                  ['iPv2', float, 2],
        STRING3_CURRENT:                  ['iPv3', float, 2],
        STRING4_CURRENT:                  ['iPv4', float, 2],
        STRING1_POWER:                    ['pow1', float, 2], # Undocumented
        STRING2_POWER:                    ['pow2', float, 2], # Undocumented
        STRING3_POWER:                    ['pow3', float, 2], # Undocumented
        STRING4_POWER:                    ['pow4', float, 2], # Undocumented
        PHASE1_VOLTAGE:                   ['uAc1', float, 2],
        PHASE2_VOLTAGE:                   ['uAc2', float, 2],
        PHASE3_VOLTAGE:                   ['uAc3', float, 2],
        PHASE1_CURRENT:                   ['iAc1', float, 2],
        PHASE2_CURRENT:                   ['iAc2', float, 2],
        PHASE3_CURRENT:                   ['iAc3', float, 2],
        BAT_POWER:                        ['batteryPower', float, 3],
        BAT_POWER_STR:                    ['batteryPowerStr', str, None],
        BAT_REMAINING_CAPACITY:           ['batteryCapacitySoc', float, 2],
        BAT_STATE_OF_HEALTH:              ['batteryHealthSoh', float, 2],
        BAT_CURRENT:                      ['storageBatteryCurrent', float, 2],
        BAT_CURRENT_STR:                  ['storageBatteryCurrentStr', str, None],
        BAT_VOLTAGE:                      ['storageBatteryVoltage', float, 2],
        BAT_VOLTAGE_STR:                  ['storageBatteryVoltageStr', str, None],
        BAT_TOTAL_ENERGY_CHARGED:         ['batteryTotalChargeEnergy', float, 3],
        BAT_TOTAL_ENERGY_CHARGED_STR:     ['batteryTotalChargeEnergyStr', str, None],
        BAT_TOTAL_ENERGY_DISCHARGED:      ['batteryTotalDischargeEnergy', float, 3],
        BAT_TOTAL_ENERGY_DISCHARGED_STR:  ['batteryTotalDischargeEnergyStr', str, None],
        BAT_DAILY_ENERGY_CHARGED:         ['batteryTodayChargeEnergy', float, 2],
        BAT_DAILY_ENERGY_DISCHARGED:      ['batteryTodayDischargeEnergy', float, 2],
        GRID_DAILY_ON_GRID_ENERGY:        ['gridSellTodayEnergy', float, 2],
        GRID_DAILY_ON_GRID_ENERGY_STR:    ['gridSellTodayEnergyStr', str, None],
        GRID_DAILY_ENERGY_PURCHASED:      ['gridPurchasedTodayEnergy', float, 2],
        GRID_DAILY_ENERGY_USED:           ['homeLoadTodayEnergy', float, 2],
        GRID_MONTHLY_ENERGY_PURCHASED:    ['gridPurchasedMonthEnergy', float, 2],
        GRID_YEARLY_ENERGY_PURCHASED:     ['gridPurchasedYearEnergy', float, 2],
        GRID_TOTAL_ENERGY_PURCHASED:      ['gridPurchasedTotalEnergy', float, 2],
        GRID_TOTAL_ENERGY_PURCHASED_STR:  ['gridPurchasedTotalEnergyStr', str, None],
        GRID_TOTAL_ON_GRID_ENERGY:        ['gridSellTotalEnergy', float, 2],
        GRID_TOTAL_ON_GRID_ENERGY_STR:    ['gridSellTotalEnergyStr', str, None],
        GRID_TOTAL_POWER:                 ['psum', float, 3],
        GRID_TOTAL_POWER_STR:             ['psumStr', str, None],
        GRID_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION_POWER:     ['familyLoadPower', float, 3],
        GRID_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION_POWER_STR: ['familyLoadPowerStr', str, None],
        GRID_TOTAL_ENERGY_USED:           ['homeLoadTotalEnergy', float, 3],
        GRID_TOTAL_ENERGY_USED_STR:       ['homeLoadTotalEnergyStr', str, None],
        SOC_CHARGING_SET:                 ['socChargingSet', float, 0],
        SOC_DISCHARGE_SET:                ['socDischargeSet', float, 0]

So all the requested data is fetched. If the data does not show up then sadly that is another example of the poor stability of the Soliscloud API's. I don't have the right inverter to test these fields myself (they're always 0 in my case), but if you want to be sure it's a server-side issue, and you know how to edit code, you could uncomment line 279 in soliscloud.api and look at the raw response from the server in the debug logs. If it's having a non-zero value there then please drop the response here in the comments and I can have a look.

alceasan commented 1 year ago

I'm on the same situation, I have lost lots of information with the new integration. I think in the new API, they have moved this information to other endpoint. Right now, almost all data is being recovered from the userStationList endpoint, but this endpoint lacks information regarding consumption and on-grid energy.

In the stationDetail endpoint there is much more information that's not being recovered, such as:

This is the API reference: