hultenvp / solis-sensor

HomeAssistant integration for the SolisCloud PV Monitoring portal via SolisCloud API
Apache License 2.0
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I am seeing "ContentTypeError" errors in the log #281

Closed snigehere closed 1 year ago

snigehere commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug Since moving from the to I notice it takes an hour or more before data appears following a restart. I have turned on debug and checking the log I see a lot of records: DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.soliscloud_api] Error from URI (/v1/api/inverterList) : ContentTypeError(RequestInfo(url=URL(''), method='POST', headers=<CIMultiDictProxy('Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'HomeAssistant/2023.4.6 aiohttp/3.8.4 Python/3.10', 'Content-MD5': 'Pf6YJAUHEPtLXSHoRiWfrg==', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Date': 'Sat, 22 Apr 2023 14:40:21 GMT', 'Authorization': 'API ***:**+**=', 'Accept': '/', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Content-Length': '35')>, real_url=URL('')), (), message='Attempt to decode JSON with unexpected mimetype: text/html', headers=<CIMultiDictProxy('Date': 'Sat, 22 Apr 2023 14:40:23 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', 'Content-Length': '166', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Via': 'HTTP/1.1 SLB.9')>) 2023-04-22 15:40:24.293 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.soliscloud_api] No inverters found 2023-04-22 15:40:24.310 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.service] Failed to discover, scheduling retry in 60 seconds. 2023-04-22 15:40:24.313 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.service] Scheduling discovery in 60 seconds.

Config Your anonymized config entry

Versions HA Version an deployment HACS version 1.32.1 Integration version v3.3.2

Debug logs Attached

[solis cloud log.txt](
viking2010 commented 1 year ago

This could be related to the API issues that seem to be occurring at the moment. I'm only getting sporadic connectivity to the Solis Cloud API.

LucidityCrash commented 1 year ago

Looks like the inverterslist api endpoint is returning a lot of 502's at the moment.

ismre commented 1 year ago

Very sporadic connectivity at the moment. This is part of my home-assistand.log...

2023-04-25 12:55:33.530 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.soliscloud_api] No inverters found
2023-04-25 12:55:33.535 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.service] Failed to discover, scheduling retry in 120 seconds.
2023-04-25 12:57:33.694 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.soliscloud_api] No inverters found
2023-04-25 12:57:33.698 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.service] Failed to discover, scheduling retry in 180 seconds.
2023-04-25 13:00:33.872 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.soliscloud_api] No inverters found
2023-04-25 13:00:33.877 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.service] Failed to discover, scheduling retry in 240 seconds.
2023-04-25 13:04:34.026 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.soliscloud_api] No inverters found
2023-04-25 13:04:34.030 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.service] Failed to discover, scheduling retry in 300 seconds.

Does anyone have any news on this? Is there another discussion thread somewhere?

viking2010 commented 1 year ago

Could be related to the API errors that are still occurring at the moment -

viking2010 commented 1 year ago

Solis have fixed their API issues now it would seem, so could you try again and see if this has now fixed your problem? If it has, hopefully this open issue can be closed off.

snigehere commented 1 year ago

looks like the high failure rate stopped at 05:38 GMT today ... in the 6 hours since then I have only seen 4 errors .. this is typical of the 4 I have seen:

2023-04-27 08:37:07.082 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.soliscloud_api] Error from URI (/v1/api/userStationList) : ContentTypeError(RequestInfo(url=URL(''), method='POST', headers=<CIMultiDictProxy('Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'HomeAssistant/2023.4.6 aiohttp/3.8.4 Python/3.10', 'Content-MD5': 'xxxxxxx', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Date': 'Thu, 27 Apr 2023 07:37:07 GMT', 'Authorization': 'API xxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxx+xxxxxxxxxx=', 'Accept': '/', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Content-Length': '2')>, real_url=URL('')), (), message='Attempt to decode JSON with unexpected mimetype: text/html', headers=<CIMultiDictProxy('Date': 'Thu, 27 Apr 2023 07:37:07 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', 'Content-Length': '206', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Via': 'HTTP/1.1 SLB.9')>) 2023-04-27 08:37:07.084 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.soliscloud_api] Unable to fetch details for Station with ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxx 2023-04-27 08:37:07.084 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.soliscloud_api] Using inverterDetail for energy_today 2023-04-27 08:37:07.085 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.solis.service] Scheduling next update in 0:05:00, at 2023-04-27 07:42:07.085305+00:00

I can live with that as a failure rate .. its way better than before.

Closing bug report