hultenvp / solis-sensor

HomeAssistant integration for the SolisCloud PV Monitoring portal via SolisCloud API
Apache License 2.0
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Inverter data missing "total" load as ECS/emergency data i not included #312

Closed exalyte closed 5 months ago

exalyte commented 10 months ago

Bug / Enhancement

Describe the bug The HA integration "total inverter load" only includes things on the grid side, its excludes circuits on the ECS/backup/emergency side of the inverter

Config stock config with no changes at all

Versions Installed version 2023.7.2 v3.4.1

Debug logs N/A logger: N/A

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. image image


to summarise The integration ignores the ECS side of the inverter output resulting in odd behaviour, if the ECS side draws from the grid it shows as its using the grid, but if its 100% solar/battery it is ignored from the total count

Proposed fix add the ECS "backup load power" as its own entity, change the current "total" to grid, add a new entity which is sum of both

outside of this much love for this integration its truly awesome!

extras; i wouldnt mind battery stats from the BMS in the integration such as voltage BMS load SOH SOC etc just to add more detail to my tracking.



exalyte commented 10 months ago

an example of how it present as most my load is on the ECS side (home office, kitchen, servers etc)


as you can see the battery is kicking out 1.13kw but the "total load" is only 239w (rest of the house) also damn i need to trim the load on the rest of the house lol

hultenvp commented 10 months ago

Hey @exalyte,

Not entirely sure what you mean. I expose the following power details (sensor name: API name), see api doc for more details. actualpower: inverterDetail.pac batpower: inverterDetail.batteryPower gridpowergridtotalpower: inverterDetail.psum gridtotalconsumptionpower: inverterDetail.familyLoadPower All of them are just passed on as-is, I'm not conflating any API details into new sensor data.

I'm not sure which one you still miss?


exalyte commented 10 months ago

Hey @exalyte,

Not entirely sure what you mean. I expose the following power details (sensor name: API name), see api doc for more details. actualpower: inverterDetail.pac batpower: inverterDetail.batteryPower gridpowergridtotalpower: inverterDetail.psum gridtotalconsumptionpower: inverterDetail.familyLoadPower All of them are just passed on as-is, I'm not conflating any API details into new sensor data.

I'm not sure which one you still miss?


Hey hultenvp

Thanks for the reply and the document and the integration, I think the API call I'm missing is bypassloadpower I believe looking over the config and that doc currently you call home and family (assuming my totally inexperienced reading of is correct) I tried editing that doc and adding the line in but it didn't change anything

Sorry I have no idea how to query the API to check it always says unauthorized

I'll rewrite the issue I'm seeing perhaps it'll make more sense.

I have a hybrid inverter with backup/ecs/emergency output (output 2) On the backup side I run my home office servers etc so if the grid fails the office stays powered

The total inverter load from the Integration does not include these numbers


Inverter output 1 - 500w Inverter output 2 (backup) - 1000w Solar - 0w Battery - 1500w (ignoring losses for ease)

The integration would show a total inverter load (family/home loadpower) of only 500w the 1000w coming from the backup output (bypassloadpower) isn't included

This leads to the inverter load presenting as 500w instead of 1500w in home assistant

Hope that makes more sense 👍

Thanks again!

hultenvp commented 10 months ago

Het @exalyte,

You can download and run from any PC. If you run it in verbose it will dump all API output as JSON. There is a link (here)[] describing how to run it.

If we confirm what field to add then I can add it for you.

exalyte commented 10 months ago

Het @exalyte,

You can download and run from any PC. If you run it in verbose it will dump all API output as JSON. There is a link (here)[] describing how to run it.

If we confirm what field to add then I can add it for you.

Hey @hultenvp

That took me a wee bit of time, had to install python then it was asking for dependancies, then it was shouting about yaml not found, then i read the readme and realised i should read instructions sometimes :)

So here is the section of the output which i think mentions it theres actually a few times it crops up but this lines up with what im seeing on the inverter screen ive put it in bold as its quick long i would also wonder, and id need to test it by forcing a grid power loss event but right at the top you have backuptodayenergy i assume that is 100% offgrid which might be cool to add

cheers again for this really appreciate your assistance

[ { "acOutputType":0, "backupTodayEnergy":0.0, "backupTodayEnergyStr":"kWh", "backupTotalEnergy":0.0, "backupTotalEnergyStr":"kWh", "batteryCapacitySoc":92.0, "batteryModel":1, "batteryPower":-2.577, "batteryPowerPec":"1", "batteryPowerStr":"kW", "batteryTodayChargeEnergy":9.6, "batteryTodayChargeEnergyStr":"kWh", "batteryTodayDischargeEnergy":5.4, "batteryTodayDischargeEnergyStr":"kWh", "batteryTotalChargeEnergy":715.0, "batteryTotalChargeEnergyStr":"kWh", "batteryTotalDischargeEnergy":829.0, "batteryTotalDischargeEnergyStr":"kWh", "bypassAcOnoffSet":1.0, "bypassLoadPower":2.598, "bypassLoadPowerStr":"kW", "collectorId":"redacted", "collectorSn":"redacted", "currentState":"3", "dataTimestamp":"1692808495727", "dataTimestampStr":"23/08/2023 17:34:55 (UTC+01:00)", "dcInputType":1, "dispersionRate":0.0, "etoday":30.9, "etoday1":30.9, "etodayStr":"kWh", "etotal":1.977, "etotal1":1977.0, "etotalStr":"MWh", "fisGenerateTime":1685721550000, "fisGenerateTimeStr":"02/06/2023 16:59:10 (UTC+01:00)", "fisTime":"1685721550207", "fisTimeStr":"02/06/2023 16:59:10 (UTC+01:00)", "fullHour":5.15, "gridPurchasedTodayEnergy":2.8, "gridPurchasedTodayEnergyStr":"kWh", "gridSellTodayEnergy":1.3, "gridSellTodayEnergyStr":"kWh", "groupId":",redacted,", "id":"redacted", "inverterConfig":"1", "inverterMeterModel":5, "inverterSoftwareVersion":"3d0044", "inverterSoftwareVersion2":"080000", "isS5":1, "ivSupport":0, "maxDcBus":0.0, "maxDcBusTime":"1692808495727", "maxUac":245.7, "maxUacTime":"1689428607024", "maxUpv":316.7, "maxUpvTime":"1689091360719", "model":"3105", "nationalStandards":"53", "offlineLongStr":"--", "pac":0.805, "pac1":0, "pacStr":"kW", "parallelAddr":0, "parallelBattery":0, "parallelOnoff01":0.0, "parallelOnoff02":0.0, "parallelPhase":0, "parallelStatus":0, "pow1":391.35, "pow10":0.0, "pow11":0.0, "pow12":0.0, "pow13":0.0, "pow14":0.0, "pow15":0.0, "pow16":0.0, "pow17":0.0, "pow18":0.0, "pow19":0.0, "pow2":415.2, "pow20":0.0, "pow21":0.0, "pow22":0.0, "pow23":0.0, "pow24":0.0, "pow25":0.0, "pow26":0.0, "pow27":0.0, "pow28":0.0, "pow29":0.0, "pow3":0.0, "pow30":0.0, "pow31":0.0, "pow32":0.0, "pow4":0.0, "pow5":0.0, "pow6":0.0, "pow7":0.0, "pow8":0.0, "pow9":0.0, "power":6.0, "powerStr":"kW", "productModel":"3105", "psum":0.0, "psumCal":0.0, "psumCalPec":"1", "psumCalStr":"kW", "psumStr":"kW", "rs485ComAddr":"101", "simFlowState":-5, "sn":"redacted", "state":1, "stateExceptionFlag":0, "stationId":"redacted", "stationType":0, "tag":"zhichuan", "timeZone":1.0, "timeZoneName":"(UTC+01:00) "timeZoneStr":"(UTC+01:00)", "totalFullHour":329.5, "updateShelfBeginTime":1677772800000, "updateShelfEndTime":1835625600000, "updateShelfEndTimeStr":"03/03/2028", "updateShelfTime":"5", "userId":"redacted" } ]

hultenvp commented 10 months ago

I created a v3.4.2 release to add the sensor. It's called Backup Load Power similar to the description in the API. Let me know if it works, feel free to create new feature requests if you need additional data exposed, please do not attach additional requests to this ticket. EDIT: There is a newer v3.4.3 release fixing timestamps. Either of the two will do for you.

exalyte commented 10 months ago

So Far so good, on 3.4.3

Ill give it a wee bit of time but so far so good, much appreciated!

hultenvp commented 5 months ago

Close as solved