humanetech-community / awareness-program

Humane Tech Community project for designing and launching public awareness campaigns
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Structuring campaign themes and campaigns #6

Open aschrijver opened 6 years ago

aschrijver commented 6 years ago

This is a follow-up to Reality Shock Project Structure, with the purpose to generalize the campaign management structure.

We both need a clear project structure and 'information model' (terminology / relationships) on how to set up campaigns.


This is a brainstorming issue, after which we'll document the outcomes, and improve from there. So let's investigate a possible way of structuring..

Information model

There are 5 different information types, that will be reflected in the repository by separate documents:

Not all of them are required to exist:


Themes are the overarching categories for one or more campaigns

Field Description
Name Short name that reflects the gist of the theme, used as working title
Summary Clear and short explanation in 1-3 lines of text
Topics Bullet list with (humane) tech topics and/or harms that are targeted
Objectives Bullet list of what we want to achieve with the campaigns in this theme
Description A longer, more elaborate description (couple of paragraphs)
Strategy (optional) If there is a common strategy, outline it here
Campaigns Hyperlinked ToC to past, ongoing and future campaigns
Resources (optional) Links to relevant subfolders, files and external information


Campaigns are the central information item. The goals of the campaign is to create output, in the form of one ore more Deliverables, that are brought to a target Audience using the campaign Strategy on order to reach the campaign Goals.

Field Description
Info Name, Theme, Status, Affiliation, Original idea, Coordinator, Forum link
Summary Clear and short explanation in 1-3 lines of text
Goals Bullet list of the intended effects of the campaign
'Audience` The demographic audience the campaign is targeted to
Success criteria (optional) Bullet list detailing how success is measured
Retrospective (optional) Analysis of results after campaign has ended
Description A longer, more elaborate description (couple of paragraphs)
Deliverables Hyperlinked ToC with campaign deliverables + short summary per entry
Strategy Outlining the strategy to follow to attain the success criteria
Funding (optional) Financial requirements, required budget, ways to obtain funds
Milestones (optional) Summary of past and future milestones for the campaign
Resources (optional) Links to relevant subfolders, files and external information

If the campaign is complex, e.g. needs intricate planning, multiple deliverables, significant funding, then Stratey and Funding are detailed further in separate documents and hyperlinked from the campaign.


Deliverables are the result of a campaign. They are produced during campaign planning, and are then brought to the target audience.

Field Description
Info Name, Campaign, Status, Affiliation, Original idea, Coordinator, Forum link
Type E.g. Video, Website, Image, Blog, Press Release, Meetup, Advert, etc.
Summary Clear and short explanation in a single line (rest goes to Concept field)
Goals Bullet list of the intended purpose of the deliverable

Additional fields depend on the deliverable type. Let's mention only video for now.

Video Deliverable

Field Description
Concept Describe the concept, the moral, underlying idea of the video
Strategy (optional) Additional strategy requirements to that outlined in campaign
Script Summary of the script of the video (couple of paragraphs)
Duration Indicator on how long the video should be
Music Plan for the music that is likely to be used in the video
Production Summary of high-level plan on how to produce the video
Funding Funding requirements, budget needed to produce the video
Team List of all people involved and their role/tasks (the eventual 'credit roll')
Resources (optional) Links to relevant subfolders, files and external information

Strategy, Funding

Let's wait with creating information models and templates for these, until we know more about the work method and process, etc.

Project structure

At the highest level the project structure (the files section) is as follows:

ghost commented 6 years ago

My goodness! That is very impressive work. Seems all good to me. To make sure I understand correctly, if we have a campaign that includes several videos, we would need to refer it to one of the themes and store it under /Campaigns. Under this campaign, we would then have a /Deliverables folder, under which would come each separate video. In say /Video-1 folder, we would have a readme file that shows all the required fields (note that the field "concept" should be defined not as a working name - already given in the field "name", but as the video's "concept" as defined by borja (one short paragraph).

Edit I created a "phone-zombies" and a "mankind-2.0" folders under /campaigns with placeholders README files. Also started an issue with a draft README file for Mankind 2.0 campaign and another issue with a draft README file for the first video ("A coffee place"). Added Mankind 2.0 to the table in the README file in the project root. Finally, suggested a README file for the Reality Check theme in

aschrijver commented 6 years ago

I understand correctly

Yes, that is the gist. We should not make the folder hierarchy too deep (unwieldy), but maybe an extra level for deliverable type is need, otherwise the subfolder name should indicate the type. Options:

  1. campaigns/phone-zombies/video-app-infection
  2. campaigns/phone-zombies/video/app-infection

My preference swaps between 1. and 2.

I've added 2 fields to the information model above: Campaign > Retrospective and Video > Duration.

I have changed the labeling system to make it clearer, simpler. I'll adjust issue tags and titles.

And I will create issue templates corresponding to the information model (note: you don't have to use table format, but headers instead, easier; it was just used here for the information model).

aschrijver commented 6 years ago

I have created the Issue Template for themes. You can test it creating a new issue and selecting the 'Theme proposol' issue type (but do not save the issue, unless making a real proposal).

Edit: Appears to be not yet visible. I probably need to create a 2nd template first.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Propose to call deliverables folders as following example: "video(app-infection)", or anything that specifies both the type and working title.

As to structuring in general, up to a few admins to make sure all is consistent when adding final products of discussions to the folders. Let us make it simple for the majority of contributors.

aschrijver commented 6 years ago

I prefer option 2 then. ( and ) are reserved characters in URL's and also do not work well across OS'es.

Yes, few admins, otherwise it will be a mess. In Github terms they are called 'Maintainers' btw.

I created 2 issue templates, with 2 more to come tomorrow. Did not update issue content accordingly (but that was just nice as example and for 'clean slate', not really needed).

aschrijver commented 6 years ago

TODO: Add Status fields, and update existing documents.