humangeo / leaflet-tilefilter

Change the appearance of Leaflet map tiles on the fly using a variety of canvas or CSS3 image filters. It's like Instagram for Leaflet map tiles.
MIT License
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Highest compatible version #6

Open THRY opened 6 years ago

THRY commented 6 years ago


What is the highest compatible leaflet version that works with your filter plugin? 0.7 seems fine, 1.3 doesn't work.


sfairgrieve commented 6 years ago

The 1.0dev branch should work with 1.x versions. Haven't tested it with 1.3, though. Let me give it a try.

THRY commented 6 years ago

Hm, also the combination leaflet v. 1.0.3 and tilefilter 1.0dev doesen't work. I get the error "Cannot read property 'cssText' tilefilter of undefined"...

Leaflet 0.7 and tilefilter master branch works fine

sfairgrieve commented 6 years ago

Updated the 1.0dev branch. Do you still get this issue?

THRY commented 6 years ago

Yes, still the same error (Leaflet 1.0.3 + tilefilter 1.0dev):

leaflet-tilefilter-v1.js:903 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssText' of undefined at e.render (leaflet-tilefilter-v1.js:903) at e.filter (main.js:188) at e._tileOnLoad (leaflet-tilefilter-v1.js:1160) at HTMLImageElement.h (leaflet-v1.0.js:6)

sfairgrieve commented 6 years ago

Weird. Let me take another look. It seems like the HTMLImageElement object doesn't have a style property in this case, which is odd. What tile server are you using? Just want to see if I can recreate the issue.

sfairgrieve commented 6 years ago

I pushed an update to 1.0dev that should at the very least prevent this error from occurring. Still unsure what could be causing this. Any chance you could share a sample of your code?

THRY commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your effort! Now i tried with leaflet v1.0 and tilefilter 1, and i don't get any error anymore. However, the filters do not apply:

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-16 um 16 58 09

I'm using map data from the swiss government (

This is how i initialize the map:

` newMap = new L.Map(nodeId, { center: centerPoint, continuousWorld: true, worldCopyJump: true, zoom: zoomVal, maxBounds: bounds, maxBoundsViscosity: 1.0, scrollWheelZoom: false, zoomControl: true }); newMap.zoomControl.setPosition('topright');

var url = '{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg';

  var tilelayer = new L.tileLayer(url, {
    minZoom: 13,
    maxZoom: 15,

    filter: function () {
      new L.CSSFilter({
        filters: ['contrast(160%)', 'saturate(0%)', 'brightness(94%)']
    detectRetina: true


Working map with leaflet 0.7 and tilefilter can be seen here:

sfairgrieve commented 6 years ago

I pushed a fix that I think will solve your issue. The code wasn't respecting the cssFilter option when that option is passed in when the layer is initialized vs. calling setCSSFilter after the layer is created. Also, there's a simplified way of creating CSSFilter functions, like so:

var tilelayer = new L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
        minZoom: 13,
        maxZoom: 15,
        cssFilter: L.ImageFilters.GenerateCSSFilter(['contrast(160%)', 'saturate(0%)', 'brightness(94%)']),
        detectRetina: true
THRY commented 6 years ago

Great, it works now! (Although only with the simplified way of creating a filter)

Thank you very much, i really appreciate your filter plugin. We are happy to use that swiss map instead of google maps and couldn't have used it without tilefilter (beacuase all layers have awful colors).